: Blue, blue windows, behind the clouds.

: Shadows cast from clouds and Wheeler Crest onto the rolling bubbles of the Volcanic Tablelands make …

: Sometimes there are only fragments of a rainbow, and it always feels like a ghost struggling to …

: The nice thing about a spring and summer with a reasonable amount of rain is that we get good clouds …

: It’s gonna be a bright, bright, sunshine-y day.

: Triangular granite sub-peaks on Wheeler Crest.

: People complain that Presidential election campaigns in the U.S are too long, something I agree …

: A California Quail commuting at dusk. #birds

: Contrasting geometries, lacewing on window screen.

: Rain falling on the Buttermilks, rocky hills so named because they had enough water to support a …

: Big pastel.

: Summer dawns often seem minimalist. They presage a hot day, but in the moment, they are cool on the …

: A praying mantis decided to watch me through the window.

: When the sky is thinking about generating a thunderstorm, but it just doesn’t have the energy …

: Greybear’s toe beans, for #caturday.

: Puffballs over Long Valley.

: Clouds over the White Mountains, from Little Round Valley. The whole thing sort of screams western, …

: I feel like these clouds are spelling out a message in a language I can’t read.

: Lines and rectangles on the slant. I guess this could be a #VisualPuzzle.

: Opposing granite.

: Watching Jacob Collier’s logic breakdown of Bridge Over Troubled Water, and found this tidbit: …

: More firework photos. The first gap in the trees was blocked by a tree. A pretty one, but we needed …

: We found a spot outside town to watch the fireworks, a gap in the trees on a dirt road, facing west. …

: A stack of clouds over Mt Tom, from light to dark, increasing moisture along the way.

: LADWP Water and Power installation lit up on the tablelands.

: Cloud sandwich.

: Rain over Mt Tom and Pine Creek Canyon. Once again, the dramatic changes in the landscape induce …

: We don’t just have micro-climates on the ground, we have disjoint, layered weather patterns …

: Looming storm with the tiniest bit of blue sky peeking through.

: Bi-polar sky.

: On the far side of the valley, roughly twenty miles from the lightning strike, rain falls on the …

: Where the lightning struck. You can see the smoke plume bend with the wind along the face. During …

: A lightning strike on Wheeler Crest became the Eye of Sauron.

: Last night we had clear skies and perfect lighting for the SpaceX launch out of Vandenberg AFB …

: A worm from Dune? Jabba the Hutt? A sleeping sheep-dog? No, just a big, oddly-shaped cloud, a …

: Half an onion after a day on the counter in low humidity.

: Sometimes our cloudscapes seem to come straight out of video games. I don’t know where this …

: Looking north at the storm, a study in pink and blue.

: The southern edge of the storm.

: Storm clouds bouncing along the ground.

: I really needed a fish-eye lens for this storm. It was wider and taller than my 16mm (DX).

: The same storm as yesterday’s post, just a few minutes later. Note the patch of blue. The …

: Just imagine how the world would change if we had a gene therapy that changed the sound of human …

: A wider view of the great storm slug. @gregmoore

: I’ve mentioned before that, although I post daily, photographs actually come in bursts. Well, …

: The Owens River Gorge.

: A new #VisualPuzzle with a twist.

: Rain in the valley.

: Mt Tom with a poofy hat.

: Striated cloud cover over Long Valley, looking north towards Glass Mountain.

: A closeup of Greybear snoozing, for #caturday.

: A bluff in Pleasant Valley, made of volcanic tuff, frames a rainstorm on the White Mountains.

: A smoldering sunset off the shoulder of Wheeler Crest.

: I think this may be my favorite #VisualPuzzle ever.

: A Coopers Hawk in the dead pine. The autofocus didn’t get this quite right. It’s …

: Rain sliding down the face of Wheeler Crest.

: Rainbow’s end.

: A walk in a local arroyo.

: All kinds of grey.

: Cedar Waxwings on the snag. #birds

: It’s #VisualPuzzle day (well, evening). Last week’s was solved in one guess, so I tried …

: The mountains paint pictures with snow. I always see a tree in this spot during the spring thaw.

: The geometry of power.

: A storm over Bishop and Horton Creek drainages, viewed from below the Tungsten Hills.

: Diego the Dark Lord of Destruction does not approve of #caturday, and vows he will wreak vengeance …

: Yesterday’s moon rises near sunset, dulled by smoke.

: A combination of horizontal cloud layers and slanted sunlight made a geometrical scene that caught …

: Here’s a very unusual #VisualPuzzle, not at all a fair challenge, so don’t stress out about guessing …

: Long before the sun sets, the high peaks to the west cast streaky shadows on the valley.

: Rain falling towards the Volcanic Tablelands.

: This winter didn’t have the record-breaking snowfall of last year, but the spring rains have …

: Last night’s sleep…

: Another big sky day. If you enlarge and look closely, you can just see the smoke from a brush fire …

: The great divide from wet to dry, cold to warm.

: Rain over Wheeler Crest.

: I’m listening… Owens Valley Radio Observatory, aka OVRO, aka Big Ears.

: A fire started near the airport last year and ran south to this tree. I’m curious to see how …

: Improbable neighborhood social media post.

: A bend in the Owens River where it meets highway 168.

: When I saw that Battlestar Galactica was streaming on Amazon Prime, I figured someone thought the …

: I saw a Yellow-rumped Warbler in Mammoth Lakes last week. #birds


: Part of the Sherwin range, from Mammoth Lakes.

: Len Pennie on the subject of man or bear is well written, well performed, and the Scottish just puts …

: I only see Len Pennie’s posts occasionally, but I always enjoy them. This one, where she …

: If you get close enough to one of these localized storm, you can get a very “Wizard of …

: The rain shadow of the Eastern Sierra is pretty easy to understand from a shot like this. The clouds …

: Small storm in a big valley.

: A curtain of rain falls on high-desert scrub, though snowflakes fall on the photographer, so it …

: Today feels like time for reflection.

: A Mule Deer browses in the desert sage.

: Long Valley, spring flooding.

: Long Valley storm.

: At Hot Creek, I came up from the canyon to find a rain shower passing by.

: Hot Creek, facing downstream. Also, there’s a character from Star Trek TOS in the upper right, …

: This is my favorite type of Wordle scenario, where negative results bring certainty. Wordle 1,045 …

: From the department of mysterious conincidences: @jean, your recent post on Wim Wenders reminded me …

: I stopped by Hot Creek last week and, for once, the light was reasonably balanced between canyon and …

: We’ve had some spring showers moving through, big enough to see, but small enough that they …

: Phở humor.

: Owens Valley Radio Observatory, an extension of the California Institute of Technology, …

: This little pond is artificial, an excavated widening of the creek, a place for firetrucks to drink …

: Returning to our regularly scheduled program, we bring you the Gables, thinking so furiously they …

: My brother, Neil, holding the attention of the water glasses.

: My nephew, Clem, channeling John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever.

: I nearly passed over this photo of Ed and Nessa because I thought it was out of focus. But the light …

: My niece, Caroline, glaring when she notices me using the long lens at the reception dinner.

: At the reception dinner for my father’s memorial service, I spent some time sitting in a …

: Balance of power between a 30 pound Maine Coon and a tiny tabby.

: My BnB came with a guard goose on the roof.

: After a long day of travel, it’s good to sit down to grilled shrimp with friends.

: Ed and Nessa again.

: My nephew Ed and his younger daughter Nessa.

: Finnegan is a beach ball with fur.

: Before and after. Winter to spring.

: I got distracted and messed up the diamond ring shot for this eclipse. I kind of like the result, …

: Corona of the total solar eclipse, April 8, 2024, Olney, Illinois.

: Easter flowers are still around.

: A wee visual puzzle.

: Wasting away in Waterville? Doesn’t quite have the same vibe. There’s just a photograph at the …

: Sometimes I like to stop and watch the electrons flow by.

: Last light, looking north.

: Lenticular clouds above Coyote flats.

: Everything blue but the moon.

: A gang of Cedar Waxwings has been hanging around, beating up old ladies and taking their berries. …

: @jean says: @cliffordbeshers You have the best clouds. Really? I hadn’t noticed. /me steps …

: Arcs.

: Am outraged that the NY Times puzzle editors did not make an exception for #caturday.

: Turkey Vultures are migrating through. I’m always amazed how visible they are in the vastness.

: I don’t know if it is the same doe, but I remember one sitting by herself in this field last …

: Well, hello there, little lady! Whatcha doin’ in these parts? Buzz off, mister, she’s …

: I’m a sucker for a lone cottonwood tree in winter.

: Sea mammals made of clouds has been a theme this year, so I was happy to add a sky narwhal to my …

: I think that was my favorite #USMNT game ever.

: Oh. Hi! See ya.

: No cats for caturday, so I chose this mare instead. She looked so peaceful, grazing in the afternoon …

: In winter, the Coyote Willow has lovely muted colors, and room to see through.

: The tail end of the Sierra Nevada, against the beginning of the Great Basin and Range.

: In the spring, the arc of negotiation is pretty constantly bickering.

: Am I blue? Looking from Pine Creek Canyon east to the White Mountains, where clouds have gathered. …

: A granite rock face in Pine Creek Canyon. Some day, I hope to take a geology class, because it sure …

: We have had plenty of snow, but mostly at higher altitudes, so the road up Pine Creek Canyon was …

: The arc of negotiation, where east meets west. warm meets cold, dry meets wet, and there is room to …

: Four and twenty blackbirds, hanging out with the cows, enjoying the view. I know that’s not …

: Little tractor in the big valley. It reminds me of the story of the park service buying Bryce Canyon …

: Spotlight on the White Mountains.

: Where hairdos go to die.

: Unlike sky dragons, sky manatees graze on pink clouds, and indicate calm conditions for air traffic. …

: Mt Magee, I think, between Crowley Lake and Mammoth Lakes. According to a geologist I saw speak, …

: White Mountain framed by a notch of Bishop tuff.

: If you look closely, you can see a sleeping spaniel.

: I thought I saw a Blue Whale in the sky the other day, but it was just a big lenticular cloud over …

: Wheeler Crest after fresh snow. That rock face is approximately five miles wide and more than a mile …

: Watching Cole Brauer approach the finish line in the dark is pretty cool, but it’s been more …

: Contrasting clouds.

: Some people at Google have decided they need popups everywhere to notify me of new features, …

: More chaos over the White Mountains. Note the little gray cloud rising up like a seahorse from the …

: Contrasting mountains.

: Yesterday’s post explained that the landscape is larger than the weather, which leaves gaps …

: Anywhere you might live, there is earth and sky, but in the eastern Sierra Nevada, both are …

: Whenever this cloud forms over Black Mountain, I hear Jack Benny saying, “I’m thinking, …

: Gotta keep an eye out for sky dragons, they are murder on air traffic.

: The snow line, where the cold storm from above runs into warmer air from below. The clouds stop and …

: Mt Tom with snow, without direct sunlight, kind of takes on the appearance of a drawing, or a wood …

: The Gables above Pine Creek Canyon.

: There’s a lesson here, somewhere…

: I called this one “Chaos over the White Mountains.” The camera is pointed east, the dark …

: I think I would choose this as the photo for the first chapter of Moby Dick, “Loomings.”

: A California Quail sits on a stump, calling for a mate. #birds When I first moved here, the World …

: I always think this tree looks like an ent.

: Bold move by Chicago.

: These components should be easy to identify, but the curious shape is the real mystery of …

: Mt Tom with a halo.

: Black Mountain was all white for a day.

: The little cloud that could.

: Last light on Black Mountain.

: Reaching back through the roll to the snowstorm a week ago, I’m finding some surprises. Mt. …

: When the iPhone 15 came out, I was seriously tempted by the camera, but recently the Nikon Z series …

: I always enjoy visiting the Owens River in Pleasant Valley when there is snow on the high peaks. …

: Snowstorms rarely obscure this landscape uniformly. Portions of mountain ranges come and go, …

: When clouds get stretched.

: After the storm.

: Eyebrows.

: This is Kara, the husky who lives next door. She loves to drive with her head out the window. If you …

: There’s a flock of Cedar Waxwings in the neighborhood. They are the cartoon bandits of the …

: Fog in the valley, a rare effect around here, is always worth rising early to capture.

: The high peaks are all white now after the big snowstorm. Even Grouse Mountain got a little snow …

: There’s a split personality about the landscape where I live. If I look west, you see John …

: Sky over Bishop Creek, fluffy and grey.

: Tricorders are changing the world economy. Twenty years ago I realized that smart phones are proto-tricorders, they just need improved sensors. …

: After some fresh snow, Wheeler Crest often has a line of fog across the front.

: The same juvenile Cooper’s Hawk, looking a little goofy in his new plumage.

: Same Coopers Hawk as yesterday, same tree, different pose.

: From Philippe Delamare, the leader in the GSC, thoughts on experiencing time when on a long solo …

: There’s a juvenile Coopers Hawk hanging around, watching from high places, picking off the …

: Not accepted. I can’t figure out whether I should be offended or not.

: Rub the peak of this mountain and a genie will grant you three wishes.

: Band of morning glory.

: This used to be the big highway until they put in the interstate. Now it’s a byway where you …

: One of the most consistent cloud formations I see is what I call the “Arc of …

: Someone mentioned that the clouds in yesterday’s photo must have been quite the show. I …

: Big poofy clouds to the north, over the Pleasant Valley tuff bluff. I think this is cool air from …

: Another image in contre-jour, this time with a bird, though you have to look closely to see it. The …

: I’m really enjoying the drama of the Global Solo Challenge. Currently, the big excitement is …

: Top of the mountain to ya’. I mean, morning. That’s Mt Tom, so that’s a Tom hat.

: The rabbit brush, so brightly yellow in fall, has faded to match the rest of the winter landscape.

: I pre-ordered a Canoo.

: This photo should be an album cover, with the title “Cottonwood Contre-jour.”

: Owens Valley sky dressed in pinkish, bluish, greyish clouds.

: No cats for #caturday, so here are some California Mule Deer instead. Those two were moving at …

: Counting sheep.

: Cloud ballet, brought to you by the Sierra Wave and the setting sun.

: My feedback to any website that interrupts me to ask for feedback is: don’t interrupt me to …

: The northeast ridge of Mt Tom, descending to Pine Creek.

: And now, back to our regularly scheduled program of Eastern Sierra lenticular clouds.

: Stand in the middle, of the valley, of the road, frame your shot, and wait for the big rig coming at …

: Description of a 1988 Bronco for sale: 1988 5.8L V8 4WD Reason of selling has Misfire  Starts …

: Panamint Valley, Death Valley National Park. Whenever I’m out shooting in places like Death …

: Death Valley National Park in winter is such a great place if you enjoy sparseness. There are very …

: Weeping angels are real.

: I enjoy the subtle coloring and striations of dry basins. This is Death Valley National Park between …

: A pocket of white near Furnace Creek, Death Valley National Park.

: Park Off Pavement. Between Borax Canyon and Zabriskie Point, Death Valley National Park.

: I doubt I will live to see the benefit, but I expect the ongoing power revolution will make …

: Dust storm, near Death Valley.

: Saturday morning, in Urbana, we got an inch of snow, which provided visual relief from the …

: You are being mean! I am dying here. Breakfast!

: No, really, when is it? Breakfast! When?

: When’s breakfast?

: Mortimer’s drumstick. #caturday

: Mono County Weather Alert Severity:SevereUrgency:ExpectedCertainty:LikelyHeadline:Winter Storm …

: My niece painted a mural on the wall of her childhood bedroom when she was a teenager. I’ve always …

: The orange animals are paying attention.

: 2024, appearing out of the murk.

: How can you tell if you’ve exercised a dog enough? When the wag has moved from the tail to the …

: I needed a fresh supply of whiskers for the new year.

: “The farmer and the cowman should be friends.” Happy New Year.

: My inclination this year was to resist the straight and narrow. Roads are fastest, but destinations …

: Questions from the very elderly. My father, 95 and suffering from some dementia, asked: If the ruler of England converted to …

: Generally, March to June is when I’ve heard of big blooms in Death Valley, but here it is …

: Elsewhere in the park, there is no standing water, but the flowers blooming in December, while dust …

: A stroll in the salty shallows of Badwater Basin.

: Pretty little beast.

: In many ways, watching the pilgrimage to Badwater was as interesting as the site itself. Death …

: Looking at my photos from Badwater, I realized that when I’m at a crowded location, I tend to …

: A Christmas miracle, a man walks on Badwater Lake in Death Valley. The real miracle is the return of …

: Looking down into Panamint Valley, a partially cloudy skies make all the difference in a photograph. …

: This is the first in a series of posts from Death Valley. I went with a purpose, to see Badwater …

: A fold in the Inyo Mountains. Normally, it is hard to distinguish these sections of the …

: Mortimer, hunting birds at the feeder, though they are unattainable for an indoor cat.

: Mmmmm… Golden Retriever hambone.

: This photo was inspired by #stickerspotter @maique.

: The Inyo Mountains really look their best under partially cloudy skies.

: Eastern Sierra Nevada, near Independence.

: Clouds, shredded when they hit a change in the winds.

: When sunrise sets a cloud on fire.

: Ghost dolphins in the sky.

: What I need is an AI bot that can tell me where I left my diamond file kit.

: Storms are finite.

: $148 Million. That has a really nice ring to it.

: When the wind stretches cumulonimbus clouds here, the results often look like skulls, often rodent …

: Murderbot series picked up by Apple. I think the Murderbot books will be a real challenge to adapt …

: Nature sure can paint.

: Time for a different sort of #WhatsItWednesday, more of a #RorschachWednesday.

: When I moved here, I drove cross-country with my niece. As the landscape changed, she’d …

: I wish the skies here came with explanations.

: I was mistaken, there was one more image of the big cottonwood fall foliage that I wanted to post. …

: Mt Tom, enshrouded in clouds, with bits of blue sky peeking through.

: This is the last of the fall foliage series, another in the “just a hint of color” …

: The deciduous cottonwood makes a strong frame for the desert sagebrush.

: Fall colors of poplars, reflected in the little pond by the big cottonwood tree. I discovered today …

: A close-up of the leaves of the cottonwood tree. The geometry of the small shadows is surprising, …

: I finished Murderbot 7. It started a bit slow, but more than made up for it. Thanks to all who …

: The big Cottonwood by the pond in the valley was on yellow alert.

: After fnishing with Thanksgiving photos, I discovered a set I’d shot before I left town, …

: Last of the Thanksgiving photos, I really enjoyed photographing agave again. I live a bit out of …

: Another collection of photos from Thanksgiving in greater Pasadena. These feature the great light …

: Whenever I visit my friends in the greater Pasadena area, I walk around their garden, yard, and …

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday. The photo’s a bit blurry, I’m afraid.

: No pumpkin makes it to maturity without a few battle scars. And I can’t resist a shot that …

: It was good to spend Thanksgiving with friends, especially since they are so adept at growing …

: Sunday breakfast.

: The Thanksgiving day loaf.

: The transition from country to city can be frustrating. Me: Oooh, the moon is rising. Also me: No, …

: We ate an alien for dinner yesterday. And we were thankful for it.

: Morning at the dining table, as yet not fully tidied after the previous night. We had an excellent …

: There is room to grow on the volcanic tablelands, but little soil and water to make it happen.

: The Gables looking small, but bright. (Some photos look better when reduced in size. This one looks …

: A dead Pinyon stands guard over the Owens River Gorge. The White Mountains are just visible through …

: We got a nice storm this week, so I headed out a road I’ve only explored a little, to get some …

: Tone zones, created by topography, light, and smoke. Last one from last week’s wooding trip. …

: It wouldn’t be right to have a series from Mono Basin without an image of the lake itself.

: Sunset in Mono Basin. The foreground is all volcanic rubble, the Sierra mountains in the distance …

: Late in the wooding season, the slanting sunlight conspires with dusty roads to paint strips in …

: A dog stays vigilant, protecting the world from chipmunks, while her boy plays with sticks.

: This herd of wild horses was hanging around the entrance to the forest. I’m envious of their …

: Seen in the classified ads today: Vintage glass IKEA dining table.

: Yesterday we squeezed in another wooding trip to the Inyo National Forest. A controlled burn near …

: A good loaf, the product of observing the dough rather than fixed timing..

: I’m always cheered by clouds returning to the valley. The views improve, there’s the …

: As fall turns to winter, the poplar trees explode with gold, and the clouds return, bringing fresh …

: Every time I’m done with a teabag, I think, “Compost or wood stove?” Really, …

: Snow on the heights today above Pine Creek. Winter has arrived.

: Where storms from the west meet the dry heat from the east, there is always drama along (what I …

: Pine Creek Canyon at sunrise. Trying new viewpoints and compositions. Not convinced about this one.

: Horton Creek can be hard to spot because its bed is just a shallow path in the alluvial rubble, and …

: A horse, perhaps a mule, grazes in the shade of Cottonwood trees.

: I wasn’t the only one out for a sunrise walk. The man in the yellow hat hiked in with his dog, …

: I woke up before dawn last week, couldn’t sleep, so I went out to see how fall was progressing …

: A #WhatsItWednesday so late it should be #WhatsItThursday.

: Halloween breakfast.

: Fall in Round Valley. The natural sundial formed by Wheeler Crest and haze says 4:30PM, roughly.

: What’s the opposite of an early bloomer? Early fall turner? Anyway, this Cottonwood is …

: NCC-1701 approaching the energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy.

: From last night, a (nearly) full moon rises over the White Mountains.

: It’s hard to sneak along a dusty road in the Owens Valley.

: I had just posted for the day when that other website served up a memory, a photo from 8 years ago …

: Less of a #WhatsItWednesday, and more of a #WhatTheHeckIsThatDay.

: The view from the top of Owens Valley, looking south. After a long drive through Nevada, this is …

: Nevada oasis.

: Approaching the White Mountains, which mark the California border, from the east. You can just make …

: Driving home from the eclipse, I took some time to observe the great Nevada drive-by. Nevada …

: My posts this week have been about Coaldale, Nevada, which has been a ghost town for thirty years. …

: Some stucco survives, some is fallen from the ceiling, suspended by chicken wire. The shadows looks …

: This is less of a #WhatsItWednesday, more of a #TheDetailsAreCool.

: The roof is gone, but the chicken wire that held it together remains, forming intricate geometries …

: En route to Tonopah, I came upon a rest stop that was long since defunct. I stopped anyway and …

: I decided to take a lightning trip out to Ely, Nevada, for the annular eclipse yesterday. I left …

: The annular eclipse, touted as the “Western Ring of Fire.” The geometry is so perfect it …

: This morning’s stage.

: Tucson to Tucumcari, Tehachapi to…

: Don’t go. It’s Friday the 13th. I need someone to be with me. I mean it. Please …

: Even the fruit of the cucumber plant has spines. Don’t fruit usually tempt critters to consume …

: Cucumber leaves are pretty scary, close up.

: We interrupt our series on the horrors of cucumber vines to bring you #WhatsItWednesday.

: Some people are scared of spiders, but if I ever made a horror film, I’d use stop-motion …

: Spider alert. Click on the image to see it. Orb weaver spiders are plentiful this year.

: Oxford Languages definition of languid is missing an image: adjective: languid 1. (of a person, …

: I’m enjoying a rare visit from Diego without his supermodel brother Greybear, who tends to hog …

: Round Valley in the late afternoon often makes a natural sundial. Whenever I see this, I start …

: I had fun shooting these inner corn husk leaves. They are very moist and floppy when you shuck the …

: In this #WhatsItWednesday, everybody was kung-fu fighting.

: Sometimes, the travel schedule is too tight and there are too many photographs to take, so you have …

: Mt Tom and the four Gabled got a fresh coat of snow on Saturday.

: Yesterday morning, I drove south to LA just as a big storm was covering the Sierra Nevada. There was …

: I don’t think these reeds are cattails, but they will have to do for #caturday.

: Fade to grey. We’ve had haze in the Owens Valley, recently. I suspect there is a small fire …

: Tote that barge. Lift that bale.

: Hey, #WhatsItWednesday, long time no see.

: Mt Tom, under cloudy skies, has a few large snow fields left at the beginning of fall, but those …

: Every shade of blue-grey.

: A big cumulonimbus cloud formed in the late afternoon, but moved on to the east before bestowing any …

: Peekaboo.

: Statler and Waldorf watch the sun set.

: It looks like Mt Tom is erupting, but that is just one of our crazy clouds.

: Beam me up, Scotty.

: Long Valley has a big sky. To get a sense of how dynamic the winds and clouds can be here, consider …

: Long Valley grasses near Lake Crowley. Long Valley is a caldera, the site of a supervolcano that …

: Long Valley often seems to have these high cirrus clouds of just the right thickness to photograph …

: Releasing a rehabilitated Peregrine falcon. #peregrine img.left { float: left; max-width: 40%; height: auto; padding-right: 2em; } #peregrine …

: Overly dramatic sunset.

: High-key sunset.

: empath : empathy :: _____ : apathy

: A low-key sunset.

: Band of Granite. Wheeler Crest with a spotlight on it.

: Well, we finally had clear skies when a rocket went up from Vandenberg last night. I took a photo. …

: Baby clouds sliding down the mountain canyon.

: Pleasant Valley, where the Owens River spreads out into oxbows, from Chalk Bluff Road. With all the …

: No cats for #caturday, so I decided to go with some hummingbirds that were kung-fu fighting. (Those …

: Good morning!

: Some days we have a distinct wind layer that is just floating atop the warm air near the ground. It …

: Partial cloud cover at the right time of day puts the rugged, granite crags of Wheeler Crest in …

: From low to high, Owens River to the high Sierra. As you look up, you see the Horton Creek drainage, …

: Another pretty breakfast.

: Tuff Henge. Blocks of Bishop Tuff lay on the Pleasant Valley floor, fallen from the cliff behind the …


: There were monsters in the sky yesterday.

: Sawmill Road in the Horton Creek valley. Still cycling through photos from Tropical Storm Hilary.

: Today’s game is “find the thermocline.”

: Sunflowers growing along Horton Creek, Coyote Willow lining banks. The Tungsten Hills are brown and …

: Tuff and poof. The pink rock is Bishop Tuff, the welded volcanic ash upon which we live. The poof, …

: Horton Creek drainage, sunflowers blooming, looking to Pleasant Valley and the White Mountains.

: Round Valley pastures lead to Mt. Tom, Pine Creek Canyon, and Wheeler Crest.

: Round Valley, with cloud cover courtesy of Tropical Storm Hilary.

: A recent conversation with Diego. #caturday Diego: Did you say something? Me: Please don’t put …

: As Tropical Storm Hilary waned, she left a parting gift.

: Oooooooohhhhh.

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday, Towers of Power edition. What’s up with these towers?

: Filed under #InvoluntarySculpture.

: Hilary pretty much obscured Mt. Tom yesterday.

: At the market, the young checker was having trouble with the scale, anxious that it was actually …

: As Tropical Storm (née Hurricane) Hilary approached, the skies leapt into action.

: In August, we usually have no clouds, searing sun, and everything is parched. But this year is …

: I don’t know what they wanted, but I had the urge to back away slowly. #caturday

: Every time we get clouds like this, I hear Dan Akroyd’s voice in my head, saying “What …

: I believe this is the dust kicked up from two bulls wallowing. If you look closely, you can just …

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday. Expected difficulty: moderate for the general solution, extremely …

: We continue to get more storms than I’ve been used to, even through the summer. Here, storm …

: I’m told these are not Brown-eyed Susans, but common sunflowers (Helianthus annuus). What …

: Rummaging through old files, I found a short entry in a folder named “Writing”. Last …

: In my neighborhood, when you get a text in the evening, it’s likely a “beauty …

: Today, I admonished a cat not to wolf down his food.

: While I was looking for the dance flies, the sun went down behind the ridge, putting a spotlight on …

: Brown-eyed Susans are everywhere this year.

: RIP Robbie Robertson. Listen to “Music from Big Pink” yesterday to remember his genius. …

: Another type of #WhatsItWednesday. Can you explain this?

: After record snowfall, record runoff makes for great waterfalls. Horsetail Falls, June Lake.

: I went searching for the dance flies and the Brown-eyed Susans. I climbed down into the marsh, where …

: As the road turns, so do the utility lines.

: Best wifi password I’ve seen in a while, at a brewery/restaurant: pikabrew.

: Before. During. After.

: Horton Creek drainage, with clouds of flies doing their mating dance. This is a wider shot of the …

: The answer to yesterday’s puzzle. In summer, these flies gather in large clouds and spiral …

: A study in contrasts, a Spotify playlist put Prince’s “Kiss” and Ed …

: A different sort of #WhatsItWednesday.

: The Owens River in Pleasant Valley is full, the flora is rampant. The bluff on the north side shows …

: Pleasant Valley in peak summer.

: Another bit of cirrus lit from below by the setting sun.

: It felt like these clouds were sending me a message, but I still don’t know what it is.

: I guess this is #WhatsItFriday.

: A building in Mammoth Lakes presenting an abstract view.

: The eastern slope of Mt Tom becomes alluvial rubble, filling the valley floor.

: Deactivated my twitter account. I left it fallow for 6 months or so. Nothing good happened.

: Rain on the Volcanic Tablelands.

: It’s always darkest before the dawn. But what about sunset?

: If yesterday was for meditation, today is a day for inspiration. Let your thoughts float, expand, …

: Homeoclock: a device that tells you the time as the ancient Chinese cultures understood it.

: It’s a good day to let your mind meander, deep and hidden, like the river that cut this …

: When someone says, “Come see the hummingbird chicks,” don’t dawdle, because just a …

: Sunset over Wheeler Crest, earlier this week. We got rain the next day.

: I feel like “phonetic” should be spelled with an “f”.

: I don’t have a true #WhatsItWednesday, but how about we play #WhatDoYouSee? #RorschachClouds

: The sky couldn’t make up its mind yesterday, so it just produced every kind of cloud it knew …

: I thought breakfast was kind of pretty: cast iron pan, black beans, tomato sauce, an egg, and hot …

: Hot outside already, harsh light, so I went for something soft and cool inside.

: The broken lines of pergola.

: You know it’s summer when the zucchini ripen like wildfire: Just picked at 6:00 pm tonight, …

: On the southern shore of Mono Lake, even when shrubs do get a foothold, fire may come through and …

: A vague, meandering statement that is neither true nor meaningful.

: The southeastern shore of Mono Lake is a tough place to make a living, even for a Jeffrey Pine.

: I think there is still time for #WhatsItWednesday, even if it’s already Thursday for all you …

: Flooded pastures are a common sight this year only due to the deep snow and high runoff.

: Most years, this is a mud puddle, an artificial widening of a creek diversion that goes dry in …

: Where the water runs down from the Sierra Nevada, ranchers made roads and lined them with Cottonwood …

: In the future, when they say, “Elon Musk broke Twitter,” it won’t mean the same thing as it does …

: Hagemite, a dark brown paste with a bitter umami flavor, made by boiling children in a cauldron. …

: The time a witch can stay aloft on her broom.

: It’s summer, so Greybear is cooling off by keeping his paws outside the sheepskin-lined bed. …

: When I took this, I was trying for “landscape as body”, because somewhere in there I saw …

: That feeling when… the cat knocks over the trash can, you drop yesterday’s socks on him as …

: A #VisualPuzzle for #WhatsItWednesday. I think you will find this isn’t what it looks like.

: It’s the 4th of July, clear skies, a light breeze, and pushing towards 100F. So I’m …

: Summer has arrived in force, along with the predictably cloud-free skies, so I reached back a few …

: Just two blokes hangin’ out, a day late and a dollar short for #caturday.

: When a cat is hunting mode, and you wiggle your finger within range, you are a…

: If I fits, I sits. #Caturday

: Same rain as yesterday’s photo, just further up the valley, showing the Buttermilk Hills in …

: Rain over Bishop Creek.

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday. Well, it’s kind of obvious what it is, but what is it, really? I think …

: To end the series, I’m revisiting the beginning. This is the same cloud just ten minutes …

: Closeup of the last cloud formation in the series. I really don’t know what to call this.

: Part 4 in the series of clouds from a single evening. This cloud runs from south to north, forming …

: This photo of another bank of clouds is looking south to the Coyote Hills, where the Eastern Sierra …

: Yesterday’s photo was taken facing westward. Today’s shows the view to the east, a bank …

: Last week I walked outside at sunset to see this. It turned out to be the least dramatic cloudscape …

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday.

: When I look at these clouds, I hear Joni Mitchell singing, “…and ice cream castles in …

: Mt. Tom, feeling quietly furious, though it doesn’t know why.

: Finishing off the photos from last week’s trip to the Parker Bench super-bloom. The yellow …

: Buff the kitty, he don’t care what appendage you use. #caturday

: It’s a banner year for moths, presumably fuelled by all the rain. Every night 20-30 get in and I …

: Neighbors.

: Deadman Creek is running high and fast with runoff from record snowfall.

: A California mule deer doe keeps an eye on me as she eats some Bitterbrush. I’m told that …

: I was out scouting for firewood and the views of the record snowpack in the Sierra were pretty …

: That feeling you drank just a bit too much.

: Arrowleaf Balsamroot and Blue Lupine on Parker Bench, looking north to Mono Lake.

: Arrowleaf Balsamroot having a banner year at Parker Bench near Mono Lake.

: Me: Mortimer! Mortimer: What? Me: Look up! Mortimer: Ohhhhhhh!

: Point of Rock Spring, Ash Meadows. According to the park brochure, the water that emerges in these …

: Everything is flat for miles in all directions. What is that cone warning me about? It seems like a …

: Crystal Reservoir, Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, where deep Mojave water flows emerge in the …

: I brought my own absurdity to the desert. Before I drive through Death Valley, I stock up on food …

: The desert seems to collect absurdities. Infrastructure is often crumbling, or improvised, signs …

: I drove through Death Valley National Park yesterday, and I had the pleasure of witnessing this dust …

: This is Mortimer, named when the vet’s assistant said male, not renamed when another said …

: The sign reads: Theo’s MUSEUM OF INTERESTING THINGS Have a beautiful day! Est. 2020

: These magenta flowers grow on long stems, forming a layer of color hovering above pale sage-green …

: I can’t believe the New York Times doesn’t recognize “deligod”.

: Yesterday I saw a snail dreaming of writing a novel.

: Nevada wears its geology on its sleeve.

: Name a bookyou love that nobody else seems to know about or appreciate. Mine is “Doorways in the …

: My brother and sister-in-law are serial Golden Retriever owners, first Budger, then Bingley, now …

: On this Memorial Day I honor this fallen horse and the friend he left behind. I stop for photos at …

: Pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks.

: His Majesty, in royal slumber.

: “What do you ask of your King, subject?”

: A bird’s-eye view proves the world is made of cotton fluff.

: Late afternoon light and shape.

: The light and space attracted a mother to give her baby girl room to roam.

: Just light.

: This should totally be a word.

: Smoke signals. I think it says, “Stand up and go outside.”

: As the snow melts, the mountains become blander and the pastures bright with greenery and flowers. …

: I need to set up a family chat room. I need a technology that will support users from multiple …

: Virga over the White Mountains, lit with just a hint of sunset.

: Yesterday had the perfect cloud.

: Uh-oh. Maybe I should turn around?

: Wind turbines, Mojave, California. This is the photo I was after when I pulled over and saw this …

: The scene of the crime for yesterday’s #WhatsItWednesday. I stopped to photograph wind …

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday.

: I found Chumbawamba’s album “Tubthumper” a few years ago, and I come back to it …

: From the back catalog, a lovely lizard at the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve. I got down low to get a …

: Late afternoon clouds over Mt Tom. This is the time of year where cloudscapes are frequent but not …

: I came up with a new insult. You are as unpleasant as a solar shower at the end of a long hike on a …

: Last week had a few really good days for clouds, and this seemed like a good Sunday photo.

: Shade on sand.

: This made me think of Ferdinand the Bull, just resting peacefully in the shade.

: Last year’s drought brought fire, this year’s record rain and snowfall brought …

: Waterfalls are everywhere this year!

: I’ll let the clouds do the talking.

: The Coyotes Hills are brooding.

: Cumulonimbus over the White Mountains. We’ve had clear skies for most of the month. Great to …

: I bet the cattle are enjoying all this water, fresh greens to munch on all over the place.

: The old shed down the road always looks a bit haunted in afternoon light, even with spring growth …

: Just a reminder to keep going, despite the obstacles.

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday.

: I used to get confounding directives from marketing about product versioning. They actively avoided …

: Rain clouds over Bishop. We are just getting reports of how much summer runoff we are going to get …

: Contrails, smeared by wind, hovering over the White Mountains at dawn.

: Rest stop pergola, Owens Valley.

: The Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve was beautiful, but after leaving the park, I discovered denser …

: More wildflowers, another raven.

: Flowers in the Antelope Valley Reserve. The orange are California Poppies, the tall yellow ones are …

: A beautiful flower with a name that didn’t age well: Blue dicks.

: I thought these were Blue Lupines, but according to a wildflower guide, the more likely species to …

: A raven flies over the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve.

: A Horned Lark at the Poppy Reserve, a species I’ve only seen once before, a few years ago in …

: Greybear demanding attention after sticking his head in the way while I was doling him out some …

: I predict there will be controversy over today’s pangram.

: It’s called the Poppy Reserve, but it really has all sorts of wildflowers in grasslands on …

: I visited the Poppy reserve in Antelope Valley recently. The light wasn’t great, but after the …

: Time for a visual puzzle, although this is more in the style of #WhatsItWednesday. Does looking at …

: Another lone tree in Pleasant Valley. Chalk Bluffs behind, then the White Mountains.

: Red paint. Yeah, that’s the ticket. That’s what I’ll tell them.

: Burned in a fire a few years ago, Pleasant Valley has many skeletons of trees, while the grasses …

: A lone Cottonwood tree stands in the floodplain below the White Mountains.

: There are earth-movers everywhere these days, restoring roads and water channels after the flooding.

: Entertaining cats with a box and a toy fishing rod.

: Saturday morning cattoons. #caturday

: I have cats this weekend, so I can #caturday. It got a little chilly overnight, so Diego was …

: Nature’s spotlight was in full effect this day. The Fish Slough peak is lit up in the …

: Taken from the same location as yesterday’s photo, but facing west instead of east. @miraz …

: A Cottonwood among the power poles. Is that like a cat among the pigeons?

: For those who play cribbage, my best hand in a while.

: Fence post and barbed wire, Riverside Road. White Mountains in the background.

: Five Bridges is a large flood plain with the occasional lone tree. Fire swept through a few years …

: After shopping in town, I stopped by some canals to see the high water levels. The clouds and the …

: I’m looking forward to a summer with snow on the heights.

: Clouds were filling up the far valley, looked to me like something gigantic was boiling.

: Fit a curve to these points: Nights and Weekends, 2008 Lady Bird, 2017 Little Women, 2019 Barbie, …

: What’s up? Red-tailed butt.

: California.

: Time for a visual puzzle.

: The eggs are worshiping idols and whispering behind my back.

: I found an owl in my pear.

: Life at intermediate altitudes is getting easier. Roads are cleared or being repaired, the days are …

: Rain on the horizon.

: This immature Red-tailed Hawk needs practice defending itself. It came to our neighborhood recently, …

: It’s not often we have standing water, and when we do, we often have cloud cover. The desert …

: The landscapes here are often sliced horizontally. Rapid changes in altitude and geology create …

: Spring is not prompt this year, but I’m not complaining. The copious snow and rain is a great …

: One of the double-edged swords of the internet is that we get to know people’s pets, wherever …

: This is firewood, but I really want to make an instrument out of it. Maybe a mandolin? A small harp?

: Greybear in the sun on a lazy Caturday, pondering how to add spice to his life. He decided the best …

: To get photographs of special moments in the mountains, it helps to live among them, so you have …

: Someone decided not to take a chance climbing the hill in the snow and turned around.

: Time for a visual puzzle.

: On Monday, I ran into my first insect of the spring, a wood ant that hitched a ride on my socks. …

: If you look closely at the highway in the lower right corner, you will see a tiny white dot. That is …

: I went to the sun room to photograph houseplants, but I was diverted by a cat sleeping in a box. …

: The analog view is my antidote to a digital career.

: Today’s Spelling Bee wants to enter the photo challenge.

: Looking back through the snow pics from the last month or two, giving second chances. Spring is …

: The Clark’s Nutcracker is a corvid native to the western United States and Canada. They …

: The base of Mt Tom in snow and cloud. The snow in the center canyon is disturbed by an avalanche. To …

: This shot took patience: find the camera, then an SD card, then struggle with autofocus. I was lucky …

: My horizons have been dramatic, recently. Volcanic Tablelands in the foreground, White Mountains …

: Light makes connections between physical structures.

: We’ve had rain, flood, power outages, deep snow, deep cold, now more rain, even bigger floods. …

: In a landscape muted by rain, one shiny cloud stands out.

: These mountains are gimcrack. They look nice, but a little weather comes along and they fall apart. …

: My coffee ritual involves a french press and a mug preheated with boiling water, covered with a …

: Two things I’ve not seen together before: my neighbors’ Baja garden and 2 feet of snow. …

: If I had my way, my retirement home would be on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Why? …

: Walking under the eaves becomes more challenging with a large snow pack melting on the roof.

: We got enough snow that the whole landscape changed character. It always looks stark, but now …

: In my neighborhood, the contrast between human engineering and landscape is so stark, the nature of …

: Yesterday’s loaf turned out nicely, but I didn’t think to photograph it until after I …

: I managed to catch Jupiter and Venus as they zip past each other, just before setting behind the …

: “Well, that shut them all up. Finally, a little solitude.”

: A break in the weather let us see the new fallen snow on Mt Tom, some of which was airborne again …

: Well, the photo challenge is on, but I don’t think it’s amiss doing an easy visual …

: So close! Wordle 620 2/6 🟩🟩⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: A Northern Flicker manages to secure a meal, even in deep snow. A Roadrunner came walking up the …

: Snow days can be hard work for parents with young kids.

: Snow Days It snowed more than a foot on Friday, then another foot overnight by Saturday morning. I was just …

: Mr. Sulu, maximum magnification. Now reduce by a factor of two. Again. Again. Again. …

: We don’t mess around with trucks, our plows are construction equipment. We got nearly another …

: And the power went out. Crews were set to arrive Monday to finish upgrading our power lines…

: Out shooting before dark, I saw two women in thick parkas emerge from a nearby airbnb to play in the …

: Snow cornice forming on my rain gutters.

: Status update: 90 minutes later.

: Current status.

: Super skinny lenticular clouds.

: It’s Wednesday, so I think it’s time for a visual puzzle.

: We had some nice clouds yesterday. Many were photogenic, but not unexpected. And then there was this …

: I think today’s loaf was the prettiest I’ve ever made. It’s tasty, too, made from …

: Agonym, definition: a synonym for excruciating pain.

: Amongst the myriad harbingers of doom available to depress us, there is one software issue that …

: And then a rainstorm came down from the mountains and shut down all the dust.

: A big wind came up the valley and created a dust storm with crazy atmospheric effects.

: Steller’s Jay on the snag. This winter has been good for corvids in our neighborhood. Pinyon …

: Recommendation: The Don Was Motor City Playlist Yesterday I posted an [impossible …

: What do the following have in common? “Opalescent Hobnails” Blue Note Records Johnny …

: Millpond in winter.

: A modest proposal for a micro.blog alternative to Reply All Here’s something I think would be an awesome little feature for micro.blog. I and many others …

: Hey, it’s Wednesday in my location. Time for a visual puzzle.

: And now for something completely different: red onion trio.

: A Red-tailed Hawk waits for thirsty critters to make a mistake.

: Shift change. Wheeler Crest, lit by sunrise, touched by moonset.

: A Robin was giving me the stink-eye today. Pretty tough look from a bird that can’t keep its …

: Girl balancing.

: Shadow of an object I’ve had since childhood, a strange trigger in the middle of the afternoon.

: Why does old snow get bumpy like this? This patch is on the north side of some brush, on a …

: Here’s a visual puzzle. I know what this is, but there are parts I cannot explain.

: Finally, enough precipitation to fill the borrow pit and make a reflecting pond.

: It’s been cold here, so I’ve been watching fire, but that’s indoors, of course. …

: I find myself watching the fire. Not sure why.

: Poconip, Fog on Mono Lake This week I drove through Lee Vining, the tiny town above Mono Lake, and experienced …

: Bird on a wire. In this case, it’s a Magpie, sitting on cables covered in rime frost near Mono …

: Time for a visual puzzle.

: A moment of zen.

: What do you do when you want to go skiing in the fresh snow, but the county won’t plow the …

: Birds can be maddening. The ease with which they flit around, the angles they can take, sometimes I …

: I recommend micro.bloggers play Globle today.

: Definition: turncat, noun, a cat that suddenly lashes out while being petted. Alternate definition: …

: Pine Creek Canyon, after the storm.

: Mt Tom, covered in snow, draped with clouds.

: Cattle in Pleasant Valley, seemingly unmoved by the snow on the White Mountains.

: After sulking, then meditating in the sun, Greybear was finally ready for his contractual …

: Greybear, in repose.

: Greybear, the supermodel, was visiting this past week. Saturday morning the light was streaming in, …

: Another life bird, the Bohemian Waxwing. The Cedar Waxwings have yellow bellies and no wing bars. …

: Runes of fire, secret messages from my woodstove.

: A Downy Woodpecker visited this week, an infrequent guest. Normally we get Hairy Woodpeckers. They …

: Well, the cats are visiting again. They brought their wool cat cave, which they never use. But I …

: Cooper's Hawk on the Snag A juvenile Cooper’s Hawk visited this morning. Although it might be a Sharp-shinned Hawk. My …

: All morning this view was pure white, snow storm everywhere. When the storm broke, the White …

: Black Mountain was looking very sharp today.

: Flooding can be so serene, if you aren’t worried about property damage.

: Swaddled in clouds, Wheeler Crest is all dressed up, with nowhere to go.

: We’ve had an influx of birds recently, possibly pushed south by the big storms. I suspect this …

: Fog over the highway after two days of rain.

: We are often on the borderline between snow and rain. With daily temperature swings of 30F-40F, even …

: If you don't like the weather, just wait five minutes. That’s what they say about the weather here, and they aren’t wrong. It rained again …

: How long is a cubit? Asking for a friend... A few days ago, my neighbor was out with a shovel clearing out a culvert entrance in the ditch next …

: I have a sudden desire to see a biopic of Gareth Bale starring Christian Bale.

: Cinder Cone, Owens Valley Between Independence and Big Pine, the slope below the Palisades was smooth with snow. On the valley …

: Leaving Death Valley, Approaching Lone Pine This is a classic place to take a photo. You can see it many car commercials and old westerns. Head …

: Death Valley National Park, Joshua Trees Time was drumming in my ears, get home, get to work, so I turned on the navigation and set my speed …

: Marking the passage of time. My father (94) with all four sons. New Years Eve, 2022.

: Death Valley, muted by grey skies, but brightened by standing water. Strong storms this winter have …

: Approaching Death Valley from Rhyolite, the mountains in the distance fresh with snow. Cold, barren, …

: The tarmac had leopard spots yesterday. I’ve never seen that before.

: Last year, Blur I meant to post this for Halloween, but it didn’t make the cut for some reason. I am drawn to …

: Remembering the Big Show I sometimes refer to the cloudscapes here as “the big show”. Everyone sees the quality …

: Clouds at the end Since it has been such a banner year for clouds, I thought I would close with a few more photos of …

: Rabbit Brush, Yellow The desert scrub isn’t always the most photogenic. I work to make it so, since it really is …

: Natural patterns, big and small When I am in urban or sub-urban landscapes, I tend to avoid the man-made. There is always some …

: Lay, Lady, Lay.

: Mortimer, Tiger Girl Apparently, there is a book about a cat named Mortimer, though for the life of me I can’t …

: Interruptions I don’t know whose chalks these are, but I completely understand why they didn’t put …

: Christmas photobomb with a moral The Christmas sermon was about how different the Christian mythology is from so many other …

: Christmas Eve As many around the U.S. are experiencing a “bomb cyclone” in the days before Christmas, …

: Leaky Windows Do you have modern windows, sealed tight, with multiple panes? Then you probably don’t see …

: A Sourdough True Crime Story Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to hear is true. Only the names have been changed to …

: Light, Expose This is one of my favorite photos to show the importance of the right lighting conditions. This was …

: I may write a December retrospective post on this image, but I’ll do a standard #WhatsItWednesday …

: Mistake, Failure Not every mistake is a failure. I had my camera set to manual exposure and took this image before I …

: Fall, Granite Cottonwood trees in fall colors really make Wheeler Crest look its best, I think. This granite ridge …

: Close, Moon Robert Capa said, “If your photographs aren’t good enough, you’re not close …

: Borrowed Cats, #Caturday Well, it’s time to celebrate #Caturday again. These two villains live next door, and I get to …

: Snow Shadow Wheeler Crest during a recent snowstorm. I mentioned that we rarely have a blanket of clouds, but …

: Clouds, Humility Yes, that says “humility”, not “humidity”. I’ve been writing about …

: Thoughts on #WhatsItWednesday This year I’ve borrowed an idea from @dejus, a regular visual puzzle posted on Wednesday, …

: Roadrunner, Owens Valley A roadrunner sits on an old, burned fencepost in Owens Valley. Funny thing about the Greater …

: Rain Shadow, The Other Great Divide Normally, a great divide is a drainage divide, the peak of a mountain range where water on either …

: Clouds, Mountain huggers I’ve talked about cloud layers and lenticular clouds, but there is another formation here that …

: Lenticular, Sierra Wave Persistent stable clouds form in the Sierra Wave. Winds form standing waves over the mountains …

: Sunset, Beauty Call Sunset over the shoulder of Wheeler Crest. Clouds are a big part of the show here, and …

: Granite spires, Wheeler Crest. Wheeler Crest is a wall of granite, roughy 8 miles long, rising from 5000’ to 12,500’ in …

: Lone, Cottonwood A lone Cottonwood tree in Round Valley. Cottonwood trees grow in the high desert along the …

: Retirement, Molly the Mule Speaking of retirement, this is a mule, out to pasture in Round Valley. My neighbor owns a mule …

: Tired, Gray Fox One week into the new year, this little Gray fox spent a few mornings on my deck. It climbed the …

: Vox clamantis in nebula. Just last night, I told @Maique that we almost never get fog. Naturally, I woke up to this: That …

: Not a word, more’s the pity.

: Sharp, Mt Tom Mt Tom in February. This photo jumps out at me from the collection because of the light and …

: Lustrous, Owens River The Owens River on a cloudy winter day, running south from Bishop down the Owens Valley. The river …

: December Retrospective This month, I’m posting photos from throughout the year, some “best of”, some that …

: This week I’ve decided to disengage the safety on #WhatsItWednesday. I stumped my Thanksgiving …

: Looking down from the Volcanic Tablelands to the Fish Slough Ecological Reserve and the north end of …

: Hiking in McGee Creek, where the trend is upward.

: The light that emanated from Patrick, when he separated his head from his body, was all the …

: Photographing the sunrise may not seem like a big commitment, but when it is winter, and I am sleepy …

: After the ritual stuffing of the humans on Thanskgiving, I always try to get out for a good hike the …

: Spatchcocked! (Violins frm Psycho shower scene shrieking.)

: Happy Thanksgiving! I have some wonderful guests, a feast in the works, and a full firewood rack. …

: Time for an update from the #WhatsItWednesday headquarters.

: I stopped on my way into town to watch the animals graze. This looks like a horse to me, but mostly …

: Some big fat robins stopped by for a week, fleeing snow and ice, devouring juniper and cotoneaster …

: This is the picnic area at a rest stop in the Owens Valley, where temperature runs high and humidity …

: I’m very fond of the Cotoneaster in my front yard. It came with the house, but it was novel to …

: A Cedar Waxwing, enjoying the juniper berries. Waxwings are mischievous birds, and I never tire of …

: Ice formed from snowmelt at the bottom of my wheelbarrow, embedded with chips of lodgepole. Did you …

: This week’s entry in the #WhatsItWednesday franchise.

: At the prompt “aluminium”, I made pizza to go with my last can of Wasatch Brewery’s “Polygamy …

: Snow adorns the Cotoneaster, bending the branches low. American Robins have arrived in force, eating …

: No matter how early I rise and venture forth, someone is out there before me. I have tried to adjust …

: My suspicion is that I could not carry the equivalent weight of snow and ice as this little plant. …

: The snowstorm turned my display of firewood rounds into a bunch of marshmallows.

: Tuesday’s storm brought snowfall so thick, we couldn’t see the mountains. Wednesday …

: I completely forgot last week. Well, #WhatsItWednesday is promised to no one, I guess. I am looking …

: It’s snowing today. First predicted for Sunday, we’ve seen the leading edge for the last …

: Fire provides insight into the structure of flora. In full foliage, you can’t see more than a …

: I would love to hear sounds echo off these granite spires, but getting close enough to them is a …

: When one whiff tells you that you badly need a shower.

: How long is a date? Or “Why does @Jean have so much trouble with international announcements?” How long is a …

: Clouds in the Eastern Sierra Nevada seem exempt from the usual rules.

: I know some of you will enjoy these recordings of mechanical keyboards.

: Sometimes I have nothing pithy to say, just admiration for the creative process of clouds at sunset.

: Doing today’s Spelling Bee, I keep finding “pronup”, and I’m wondering if that’s a synonym for …

: A woman with no ticket evading security in an empty section of stands creates a real-life game of …

: Skies like this grant license to play hooky and head out with a camera.

: Fresh snow on Mt Tom. This is the tiniest morsel of snow, and it probably won’t last, but …

: We had a small brush fire a week ago. They figure 25 acres of reeds went up in smoke, but was …

: Happy Halloween!, courtesy of this Hentz’s Orbweaver in my woodpile. That’s actually not …

: Sunrise. With winter approaching, we are getting clouds again, which makes for easy photos, as long …

: A note on Wordle strategy. Today’s Wordle went like this for me: Wordle 497 5/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ ⬛⬛🟨🟩⬛ 🟩🟩⬛🟩⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 If you get to a …

: Agave thorns. Note on the right that the leaves have impressions of thorns. These leaves start out …

: Be glad it’s not Wednesday, because I don’t think y’all would be able to identify …

: This discovery is the coolest science announcement I’ve seen in a while. Researchers created …

: The business end of the agave leaf.

: Don Was, on performing with a full orchestra From The Don Was Motor City Playlist at WDET FM. Don Was, on doing a live recording with Bob Weir, …

: This seems creepy enough for a pre-Halloween #WhatsItWednesday, doesn’t it?

: On my way home from suburbia, the large landscapes returned.

: Exercise in futility, take #729: try to make the elbow in this tree look interesting. I love the …

: Autumn shakes the leaves off the bean plants, exposing the dried tendrils they use to scale the …

: Pale blue. Altadena, CA.

: The leaves of an orange tree, always so glossy.

: In Southern California, people landscape with ornamental plants from all over the world. These …

: I have no idea about the level of difficulty of this one. #WhatsItWednesday

: Do you remember in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit”, when Eddie draws the Singing Sword? It …

: The pepper tree, from below. Gnarly.

: My friends’ house is shaded by a large pepper tree, and I’m always fascinated by the …

: I’m looking for recommendations for a science fiction author. Someone current, with ongoing …

: While back in suburbia for a while, I took to my old habits, wandering the neighborhood looking for …

: Yesterday morning I woke to fog in Altadena. I had the wit to hop out of bed and go for a walk with …

: A Day in the Life Photo Challenge Altadena, CA. Oct 13, 2022, 6PM (PDT). Visiting friends, photos of …

: I woke up to to some beautiful fog, got out and shot some nice photos, very different from what …

: An elegant little figurine my friend’s parents bought in Mallorca, many years ago. We assume …

: Today’s subject may be difficult emotionally as well as visually. #WhatsItWednesday

: Burning the grease off before grilling some lamb. The grapevine climbing up to the deck light …

: Supper quiet.

: Dreams seen by a man-made machine How does it seem, how does it seem That we can see each others …

: I have invented a device that attaches your phone to your knee so you can watch the screen without …

: When you are running late on a long drive to a party, but the clouds just keep getting better and …

: Last night’s wooding (firewood collection) trip at Dry Creek Road, near Inyo Crater. A truck …

: Lodgepole Pine needles, Inyo National Forest.

: My first pangram is not in the word list. Some editor is a dickhead.

: Taking the fast lane. One sheep decided to pull left and accelerate, presumably because all the good …

: A more standard view of the paperweight from yesterday’s #WhatsItWednesday. I did a little …

: This is either easy or impossible, I’m not sure which, though it might be somewhere …

: Sheep grazing along a road in the Inyo National Forest. There are some Basques around here who drive …

: Sunrise, clouds and contrails.

: Pleasant Valley, the day the lenticular clouds were tearing apart on Wheeler Crest. You can just see …

: The valley floor, late September, early morn.

: Photos with great light are one of the principal benefits of waking up at sunrise.

: The mathematics of sunrise is cruel. Too early in summer, too late in winter, yet that is when the …

: A light puzzle. #WhatsItWednesday

: A strong easterly wind was forcing the clouds coming over the crest into unusual shapes. It seemed …

: Juxtaposition: quiet, not quiet.

: I liked the soft look of these clouds. They seemed appropriate for a Monday morning where I’m …

: Fresh cumulonimbus served on a bed of fog, with streaks of grey sauce. Honestly, I have no idea what …

: I was feeling sort of abstract today.

: California Quail, sittin’ in a tree, looking quite dapper.

: The answer to this #whatsItWednesday, a stained glass window, covered with 3M insulation film, …

: I planned pizza, but a frozen salmon filet thawed a bit too much as I dawdled taking photos coming …

: Abandon all hope, ye who attempt this #WhatsItWednesday. I’m experimenting with different …

: Wheeler Crest, spotlight on the shark’s teeth.

: I think Wordle was trying to tell me something the other day.

: A Great Horned Owl hooting at sunset. A second one came to a nearby tree and hooted loudly, which …

: Last night’s pizza was pretty good. I put some shaved fennel and goat cheese in it, which tasted …

: This week’s bread. 100% freshly milled whole grain: a bit of rye, a bit of soft white wheat, …

: Wheeler Crest looking steely in the morning light under storm clouds.

: Cloud pocket. That spot is actually a huge canyon running from upper right to lower left, but the …

: The solution to this week’s #Whatsitwednesday This setup was inverted aand I was looking through the …

: What’s going on here? #WhatsItWednesday

: I really want to go see the waterfalls in Death Valley, but their very presence means the place will …

: Foggy clouds sneaking around the face of Wheeler Crest, a wonderful accompaniment to actual rain …

: We got real rain this weekend, overflow from Hurricane Kay off the coast of Mexico. During a lull, …

: California Quail have been scarce in our neighborhood this year. I have speculated it is because of …

: Here’s a weather pattern I haven’t seen before: hurricane moisture coming up the Owens …

: Folks liked the cowlick photo from yesterday, so here’s another section of reeds in Pleasant …

: Software developers have a huge blind spot. Witness a full page of ad-hoc documentation to …

: Pleasant Valley, cowlick in the reeds. Somehow, I ddn’t get down here for a month or so and …

: Juxtaposition.

: Pleasant Valley, yesterday. Hurricane Kay is coming to SoCal, and we think the clouds on the left …

: A funny shape for this #WhatsItWednesday.

: Rain on Bishop Creek Canyon, from a few weeks ago. A hurricane is moving towards Southern …

: Greybear won’t be working on Labor Day. Or any day, really, but especially not today. Because …

: Just the valley, looking dapper in mid-afternoon.

: Still rolling through cloud pictures from mid August.

: Yesterday’s Spelling Bee pangram was “prodigy”. Naturally, I didn’t get that …

: We have clear skies and full summer heat, so I’m reliving the cloudy days from earlier in …

: Storm over Mt Tom.

: I needed to kill a large flying ant tonight. I missed it on the first grab and it wouldn’t stay …

: A dark #WhatsItWednesday. #Pareidolia

: The cinematography in Netflix’s adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s “The Sandman” is …

: Grey skies at night, photographer’s delight.

: Curtain of virga, with a line of sunset.

: A week ago we had some blustery weather come through, but there were cat photos to post, sothey got …

: This is a good #Caturday to be an indoor cat, lest this Coopers Hawk take an interest.

: After a hard WhatsItWednesday, I thought you all deserved a sunset.

: Spotlight on a bubble of Bishop tuff. Tuff is volcanic ash that was so hot when expelled, it welded …

: I think I’ve found a really good #WhatsItWednesday this week.

: After the modeling session, time to remove the makeup.

: Diego, watching the birds, reflected in the sun room door.

: Greybear: Please, please, please, can I come up on your lap? Me: Only if you pose first. Greybear: …

: You know it’s really #Caturday when your monitor, printer, and desk speaker are all in peril. …

: I always want to roll a boulder down this silhouette. Bowling for Pinion Pines. It wouldn’t …

: Alternative medication They say, “Don’t read the comments on youtube,” but like anything else, there is …

: Every corner of the sky had something special that evening, and every minute brought new surprises. …

: On a typical #WhatsItWednesday, you post a puzzle, in photo form, to which you know the answer. …

: Amazon is drunk again.

: Raggedy clouds catch the sunset light and scatter it back. We continue to get clouds in the late …

: Scattered clouds over Wheeler Crest, lit from below by the setting sun. This is one of those sunsets …

: Last week’s full moon. There were too many clouds to see it at moonrise, but gaps opened up as …

: I’m using a new recipe from Breadtopia, and I’m very happy with it. This is 100% whole …

: What kind of clouds you want? We got all kinds! Fluffy, poofy, wispy, from white to dark and …

: I tried for a caption about clouds, winds, mountains, but all that came to me was Gary …

: Ambition. This tiny Praying Mantis staked out the hummingbird feeder for several hours, often …

: When a storm breaks late, the clouds hovering over our valley get lit both from below and above by …

: Waxing crescent moon, peeking through the clouds after sunset.

: When rain or snow comes our way, we often get this strip of cloud running level along the crest. …

: Pine Creek, wearing a feather boa. The rain clouds continue to cover the area. It cooled off so much …

: It has been raining since midnight. Not hard, but steadily, so that the eaves are always dripping, a …

: We’ve been getting late afternoon thunderstorms for the last week, kind of like south Florida. …

: Mt. Tom and Pine Creek Canyon, all dressed up for the rain.

: We got actual rain yesterday. Not for long, maybe a half hour, but it will make a difference.

: I saw these Water Striders and wondered out loud what it would be like to be so light and free. The …

: Though the boat ride on Convict Lake was a week ago, the good time lingers on through photos. Here …

: Dead wood on the shore of Convict Lake.

: Kara, enjoying the boat ride on Convict Lake. Her nose was working overtime with all the new smells. …

: Convict Lake had a startling look near sunset. A heavy chop alternately reflected the brown of the …

: The smoke chased away a bunch of tourists, which opened up some boat reservations on Convict Lake. A …

: The Oak Fire erupted into the headlines on Saturday, burning 15,000 acres southwest of Yosemite …

: I love a big, partially-cloudy sky. Once again, the arc of confrontation, where wet weather from the …

: The tail end of the storm passes the mountains. Clearer, calmer, brighter skies can just be glimpsed …

: Battleship. That’s what I think of every time I see a cloud like this. The broad base, the …

: Cloud cave. Clouds here change quickly, varying greatly in form over short distances. Peekaboo views …

: When the skies over the Sierra Nevada are partially cloudy in the late afternoon, the effect on the …

: Flotilla of fluff over the White Mountains. I don’t have a good explanation for why the clouds …

: The remains of the storm. Just a few wisps left where all the rain fell.

: This is Wordle at it’s best, I think. Misses can be as helpful as hits. Wordle 394 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ …

: As the sun went down , the rain abated and everything softened. Rain ten miles away doesn’t …

: Filed under “Did not click.”

: David and Goliath at the arc of negotiation, where weather systems meet and mingle.

: Cumulonimbus parade. The whole area was covered by these on Thursday, eventually leading to this …

: Yesterday a thunderstorm passed along the southern end of our valley. As I watched the rain fall, a …

: I found a bit of shade for a snack while out taking photos. I’m still not sure what these old …

: While recording micro.monday, @jean and I talked home recording studios and audiobook narration. I …

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday.

: Burned tree trunk, Owens Valley. I love sihouettes and that is one thing that wildfires in wooded …

: The recent #BishopAirportFire ran south along the Owens River, reducing the trees to black …

: Go away. It’s Sunday. Don’t bother me.

: Diego was sleeping behind my monitor. He rolled over and stretched his legs towards me, pushing my …

: Isn’t there some story where a white horse is a harbinger of death? Well, I think this was …

: Another reflection, but this time wth more of a kaleidoscope effect. I am always drawn to the …

: Round Valley and Mt. Tom, from the hidden pond.

: I felt the need for quiet reflection today.

: Fires happen. New growth will appear out of the ashes.

: Artesian well, Owens River Valley. The Bishop Airport Fire left these trees blackened, but fresh …

: Saturday morning cartoon. Meep-meep!

: Sunset on the Coyote Hills lights up a bank of wispy clouds. Around the summer solstice, this means …

: Whenever I see this cloud formation, in this spot, I notice that the cloud mirrors the shape of the …

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday.

: Big cumulonimbus clouds over Mt. Tom. They look roughly the same size, don’t they?

: I told my troubles to my neighbor this evening. As we parted, I thanked him, fumbling around for a …

: Puffs over the Buttermilks, with dark in the background.

: Peekaboo clouds. When the storm clouds slide over the trailing Sierra Nevada, the landscape can be …

: Joyful, angry, impertinent, rude, brave, and entirely appropriate, this performance lifted my …

: Dawn, June 22, the day after the solstice. Winter is coming.

: When the rain falls in the east, we often see a band of gold. Clouds shadow the foreground, rain the …

: The storm put on a real show to the east, with virga over the White Mountains, shadows on the …

: Looking 180° from yesterday’s photo should lend some understanding to the weather here. …

: Weather rolling through from the west (left), dominating the sky from the canyon. This was an …

: We had a bit of wind and weather last week, and enough chill to warrant a small fire. I love it when …

: Moonrise though trees. #MoonMonday.

: You’ve heard of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Meet the Three Donkeys of Dilapidation. …

: I highly recommend the Atomic Inn, Beatty, Nevada. It’s a themed motel, a mish-mash of fifties …

: Passing clouds, backlit.

: A last look at Badlands National Park. I’ve been posting pictures of the Badlands for about …

: This is more of a #WhatDoYouSeeWednesday than #WhatsItWednesday, or perhaps #PareidoliaWednesday. …

: Clem, looking for fossils, Badlands National Park. He found one elsewhere, collected GPS …

: Sage Creek, Badlands National Park. Another photo that shows grasslands giving way to weak, pale …

: Castle Trail, Badlands National Park. Water up, watered down.

: If you are a USMNT fan, or soccer fan in general, I recommend @watke_’s compilations and …

: My nephew Tim is a wildlife observer and spent much of his time in the Badlands actively looking for …

: Cliff Swallows, Cheyenne River, near Badlands National Park. The swallows have made nests all along …

: Coyote, Sage Creek Campground, Badlands National Park. I followed him through a Prairie dog town. …

: These are the monsters some Russians fear and wish to eradicate.

: Sort of #WhatsItWednesday. If you’ve been following along, this is obviously something from …

: Tim, walking in the Badlands. This really reinforces the fantasy golf course imagery for me. He …

: Fantasy golf course, Badlands National Park. It isn’t really a golf course, it just looks like …

: Sage Creek Campround, Badlands National Park My family had gathered in Chicago for a family wedding, and I had left time for a road trip after. …

: Dried mud, Badlands National Park. Yesterday’s photo was all about erosion and water flow on a …

: Fractals in the erosion of soft rock, Badlands National Park.

: Broken grasslands, Badlands National Park. So many dramatic sandstone forms arise from a durable …

: Western Meadowlark, Badlands National Park. We saw a few of these, but they didn’t get …

: Erosion forms, Badlands National Park. I grokked the key to the Badlands on this visit, which I did …

: Elsewhere, a Pronghorn Antelope shows off her butt. This was a good lesson in idiosyncratic …

: A Bighorn sheep guards his butte. Castle Trail, Badlands National Park.

: Okay, everyone take a panorama at the same time…

: Clem surveys his options and decides the original explorers knew what they were talking about when …

: I really want to know this tree’s story. Yellow River State Park, Iowa.

: Quick stop at the Yellow River State Park (Iowa), on the west bank of the Mississippi River. Nothing …

: Max and Dan. Married. Telling lies, I mean, stories. Making toasts.

: Natalie Rose and Fernando asked for a portrait, as long as we were all dressed up for Max and …

: Dancing the Hora at Max and Dan’s wedding.

: Karaoke night at my nephew’s wedding. Committed friends and family making strong performances. …

: Amazingly, that is not the sun, but a sun dog, which is something like a rainbow. I really need to …

: A question for all you iOS users who study apps: What do you use to organize travel? I am at one of …

: Black-headed Grosbeaks showed up in force this year and stuck around for several weeks.

: All I said was, “Nice wings.”

: Let’s try this as #WhatsItWednesday. I think the general answer will be trivial, the specific …

: Near Lida Pass (Nevada), looking west to the Sierra Nevada (California). I love this view because on …

: This sign may seem unnecessary, but I always think of it as life advice, rather than traffic …

: Great-tailed Grackles, Beatty, Nevada. This is a territorial display, accompanied by a lot of noise. …

: Rolls of wire fencing cast shadows on walls of lime plaster.

: This is my rock. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

: I just made a pleasant little discovery. I bought some reishi mushroom tea recently, on a whim, and …

: Hairy Woodpecker, feasting on bugs in my dead pine tree.

: Just taking a moment to enjoy the deep green of the east coast (U.S.).

: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail on the Azaleas at the “Mountain House” that my grandparents …

: Red-winged Blackbird, McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area. I like this photo because you get to …

: Mother’s Day for turtles? I have no idea, but it sure caught my eye. I wanted a better shot of …

: Eastern Bluebird, C&O Canal, Lock 24 (Rileys Lock), right on the bank of the Potomac River. …

: Analysis of the Russian war on Ukraine as of March 4th or so, reportedly written and leaked by a …

: Barred Owl, McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area, Poolesville, Maryland. During a family visit to …

: Vortex off the shoulder of the ridge. This cloud formed half way between the high peak and the pass …

: Do vertical cloud forms have a slimming effect? Asking for a friend.

: Mind the gap. So much of the magic of this place is that weather varies so much within visible …

: Gradient at the ridge line seems to stretch the clouds until they break.

: Virga over the Owen Valley, lit from below by the setting sun.

: Last week we had some weather pass nearby, so it’s going to be cloud porn for days.

: Full moon rolling down hill. This is one of my favorite illusions, photographing the moon at the top …

: This ain’t no disco.

: Not a star destroyer.

: Great Blue Heron nests, Pleasant Valley. The birder on this walk identified seven different nests in …

: Birds gather in a tree in Pleasant Valley as the full moon rises over the White Mountains. They …

: Red-winged Blackbird, perched on a reed, enjoying the wetlands in Pleasant Valley and the view of …

: I want to be able to find this video of a puppy pile on a dark day.

: Troublemaker. Everything is flowing smoothly, west to east (right to left), except where Mt. Tom has …

: Big Sierra Wave trailing off the peaks behind the Coyote Hills.

: Filed under “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

: Rush hour. No cats this #Caturday, just California Mule Deer ambling down the middle of the main …

: Morning light under a storm is the best. The crest faces east and rises from 5000’ to …

: Rain, like the moon in the Moody Blues song Late Lament, “removes the colors from our …

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday.

: This Rufous Hummingbird was not pleased at my invasion of his privacy. I explained that he could do …

: Full moon reflected in Horton Creek, amid reeds.

: Spring sunrise, White Mountains. Happy Easter.

: Dawn reveals the arc of negotiation. East and West hold strong positions, diametrically opposed, ad …

: Clouds flowing from the heights until they hit the thermocline of warm air rising from the valley …

: The weather is having mood swings. Bi-polar, someone quipped. Now that I think about it, the whole …

: Places to go, beetles to see.

: “Stratification” seems to be the word this site inspires every time I photograph it. …

: Turbulent sky. The Sierra Wave produces lovely, smooth, lenticular clouds. But sometimes we see the …

: Friday’s sunset was chilling. A huge standing wave formed in the late afternoon. The last bit …

: Uploaded photos from early this week, and there was #Caturday waiting for me. Greybear, looking a …

: I got the wordle in in two…and was disappointed it was over so quickly. Wordle 294 2/6* 🟨🟨🟩🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: Caterpillars are on the move. We get a bunch of Painted Lady butterflies (Vanessa cardui) showing up …

: Horned lizards are out and about and breeding. This is a young one, perhaps one-third the size of an …

: Broad strokes. I don’t know what causes this, but sometimes the arc of negotiation fragments …

: Pink light reflecting off clouds, illuminating Pine Creek Canyon. I’m reminded of the time my …

: Molly (the retired pack mule) was very suspicious when I offered her a carrot, but as soon as I put …

: Burn scar from the Bishop #AirportFire, along the Owens River. I’m going to try and visit this …

: Spring is here and the wildflowers are popping.

: Say’s Phoebe, one of the Tyrant Flycatchers, in the Buttermilk Hills. They like the high …

: Patric saw a giant breast with a sleeping area carved into the bottom and just couldn’t …

: What happens when a bat gets laryngitis?

: A magntude 4.0 earthquake originating 5 miles away is quite the ride.

: Not a true #WhatsItWednesday, more like #WhatHappenedHere. Also, a Bigfoot sighting as a bonus.

: Boulder forms in the Buttermilk Hills. I think I need to go for a full day, sunrise to sunset, …

: Landscape as body. The boulders in the Buttermilk Hills are so varied, one sees body parts and faces …

: Odd pattern. Wordle 282 5/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: Action shot from the Buttermilk Hills, where cows grazed in high meadows all summer Stage coaches …

: Really good one. Wordle 281 4/6 🟨⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: The secret switchbacks leading to Elderberry Canyon. Well, not really secret, just remote and hard …

: Stopped by a pasture so the city folk could get their fix of big animals. I’m not sure who is …

: Patric having a good time exploring in the Buttermilks, looking his usual stylish self.

: Time for a visual puzzle. #WhatsItWednesday

: Fresh snow blowing off White Mountain. This was a stealth storm; the weather near me was …

: No, Tuesday is no good. Could we meet on Wednesday at 10AM?

: I met a super hero this weekend and managed to catch an action shot.

: Storm descending the ridge. Too weak to drop much snow, though.

: Full moon rising over the White Mountains. Thanks to Mike for knocking on my door.

: First California Quail I’ve seen this year, sittin’ on the highest tree, yodellin’ …

: Time again for #WhatsItWednesday.

: One more sunrise photo, looking south to the Coyote Hills this time.

: I am outraged that today’s Spelling Bee does not accept “begindebegine”.

: Yesterday’s sunrise, closeup. I think these sunrises are distinctive because the high …

: This morning’s sunrise eased the pain of switching to daylight savings time.

: A nice place to retire. I believe this is Molly, a pack mule bought by my neighbor after a …

: Storm on the mountain. Elderberry Canyon is obscured at the top but lit below as the storm wraps …

: Today’s NYT Spelling Bee did not accept “goattale”, but that was enough to make me think “riding the …

: Big sky. From Round Valley, looking east to the White Mountains. Sometimes it pays to use a really …

: Clouds over the White Mountains. I wish they would drop more snow.

: Moody Cottonwood trees. Impatient for spring.

: Waves at all levels. @jean observed that the east side of Mt Tom looks like a tsunami. Yesterday I …

: Built by a structural engineer, my neighbors’ house divides opinion. The straw bale walls are …

: No cats around today, so I thought I’d go with a lizard instead. This fellow is a regular on …

: Here’s to the ladies who lunch Everybody laugh Lounging in their caftans And planning a brunch …

: King of the world. It is just an impression, but I think the hummingbirds are starting to pose more. …

: Clickbait for childish geeks?

: Time for #WhatsItWednesday

: Winter pasture in Bishop, with a view of the White Mountains.

: Peeking through the veil. This kind of looks out of focus, but it’s just the fading storm …

: Shark’s tooth. Wheeler Crest could be the mouth of an ancient megalodon, if you scaled it down …

: Big poofs over Mt. Tom. We had several days of storms that obscured the peak, with little happening …

: Clouds surfing down the Owens Valley.

: I propose the following sanctions: Russia and Belarus cease the invasion of Ukraine immediately and …

: The term “storm front” really makes sense here. We often see the leading edge arrive …

: Wordle 250 4/6 ⬛🟨⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 I feel like this one is going to get backlash.

: Foot of Mt. Tom, eastern slope, below the snowstorm.

: Proud mountain, looking fine in a little fresh snow.

: Morning ablutions. Cats don’t have to stand in a little room in front of a mirror to bathe. They can …

: This #caturday was so good, it deserved a second look. Glares gave way to lounging.

: I remember that #caturday like the beginning of the internet. I left the door open as I went for …

: The #AirportFire is pretty well contained, with nearly 700 firefighters working through the night to …

: A wildfire started near Bishop Airport yesterday afternoon. North winds exceeding 20kph drove the …

: Car windshields are not particularly interesting subjects for photography, at least, directly. But …

: Weathered pine board, horizontal light. This is the bottom of a drawer in a table left outside in …

: Good morning. We have had clear skies for weeks. There is a small amount of snow and rain expected …

: Winter has taken a breather, so I stopped by some waterways to see what’s up. The flora …

: Driving with Kara. It doesn’t matter if you are going 60mph, Kara will take in the smells as long as …

: Flowering kale, the underside.

: Flowering kale. Every so often, the produce aisle becomes an irresistible source of photography …

: You sunk my battleship! Wordle 236 2/6 🟩⬛⬛🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: Remember “Romancing the Stone”? When I see a tree like this, I immediately think, …

: After an extensive modeling session, Greybear deserved a proper nap in a soft, fuzzy bed.

: Greybear doesn’t mind action shots, either. Many cats will halt play as soon as the shutter …

: Greybear isn’t opposed to dressing up while modeling. Here he is wearing a fishing toy as a …

: Cover Cat. Greybear in soft light and focus, showing off the natural look.

: Greybear visited again. He’s a super model. He isn’t just beautiful, he knows how to …

: I watched Olympic mixed-doubles curling this evening. USA versus Italy was at least 50% more …

: Reeds, Millpond.

: Second day in a row I have gotten the word in 2. I may be getting better at this game. Or I might …

: Hanging by a thread. A Cottonwood twig and leaf, held by a long bit of spider silk, hovers over the …

: Gadzooks! Wordle 228 2/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: Coot, reeds, water. Stillness.

: Recently, my affinity for abstract photos has been on the rise. I don’t know why, but perhaps …

: Diego, on a sunny Sunday morning, soaking in the rays.

: Sunset pastels.

: From the NY Times Crossword puzzle for Saturday, January 29, 2022, I think this ranks pretty high in …

: Cottonwood Trees in winter. Part of what makes these trees so great is that they grow to be huge …

: When I look at this photo, I hear Cat Stevens singing, “Well you’ve cracked the …

: The base of Mt. Tom has structure I don’t really understand, but which fascinates my eye, …

: This game has some unexpected properties that derive from the constraints that guesses must be …

: Dawn, White Mountains, pink fluff.

: Lobbyists.

: Contents may vary. Greybear sleeps on the kitchen cabinet above the refrigerator. He looked a bit …

: Something new in the pizza domain. I was out of my standard ingredients, so I improvised: smoked …

: Diego and Greybear are visiting again. They decided that Hanna, the visiting notary, needed close …

: We spotted a Bald Eagle on the way home from the falconry event.

: Wordle 215 3/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 🟨🟨🟨⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

: After the falconry competition,we visited one of the nearby artesian wells. I gather the Owens …

: The falcon returns. The falconer-in-training watches carefully.

: I have discovered a new word in today’s Spelling Bee puzzle from the New York Times. Illuminotion: …

: Falcon in flight. In this competition, they launch the falcon, wait for it to climb. When it hovers, …

: Gyrfalcon in flight.

: My neighbor happened to hear about a falconry event nearby and we went this morning. It was quite …

: We’re doomed.

: Father and sons, Christmas, 2021. We managed to get us all in one place and remember to take a …

: The road west after some nice puttering in Death Valley National Park.

: Dunes, Death Valley National Park.

: Triangles, Zabriskie Point, Death Valley National Park. Everything is rounded by erosion, yet I see …

: I got a glimpse of a Barred Owl when I was in Illinois. Another first for me. That neighborhood is …

: Pareidolia at Zabriskie Point, Death Valley National Park.

: This morning a fox climbed the stairs to my deck and has been snoozing in the sun. And I’m …

: Chicago, approach to O’Hare, pre-dawn.

: Sycamore seed pod. After posting a picture of a Sycamore tree yesterday, @Miraz asked about whether …

: Sycamore trees are at their best on a sunny winter’s day.

: Outside the shopping center, a sub-zero Sunday morning, a new year offers a scrap of a story. Maybe …

: Walking at night, artificial lights.

: Fog to ring in the New Year.

: The last tomato. Food geometry.

: A drunken octopus challenged me to a fight this morning. I gave him space.

: Spelling Bee Pangram Drugs Today’s NY Times Spelling Bee pangram was very difficult for me to find. Often, I see an …

: When flash goes wrong, it can produce ghastly photos. But sometimes with cats, it just adds humor. …

: Is there a posting glitch? Today’s post not showing up in the timeline, despite several …

: Bricks, ivy, graffiti, ONE WAY.

: Finnegan, Master of his Domain.

: We went with something different this year for Christmas dinner, a 10lbs salmon roasted with lemon …

: Christmas kitten, all tuckered out.

: Christmas cats.

: Night flight, partially cloudy.

: Morning light on the freshly covered crest.

: White Whites.

: Peak snow from last week. The triangular fracturing of granite under stress underlies the scene.

: First Robin of…winter? Migratory visitors are up since the snow started. Presumably they were …

: As I huddle inside, orbiting the woodstove, I always marvel at the folks who get through life in …

: The nearby ski area got over 5’ of snow this week, but even such a big storm dissipates over …

: Big snow storms this week. This photo is from Tuesday. The crest is covered in fresh powder, but the …

: A new episode of #WhatsItWednesday.

: The arc of negotiation, new weather pushes in over Mt. Tom and displaces the old.

: Light and shadow livened up the valley, but neither rain nor snow made it down that far.

: Winter storms are rolling to us over the Sierra Nevada. They haven’t had enough energy and …

: Recently, I have been singing “Easy to be Hard” from the musical Hair. No idea why, …

: Ragged, swept, portent.

: Any shape of standing wave you see in a river seems to appear above the mountains here eventually. I …

: A Klingon battle cruiser appeared over the crest at sunset. Moments later, it disappeared. I assume …

: Good morning. Another sunrise over the White Mountains. The clouds look out of focus, but the …

: I didn’t get the best photo, but I wanted to celebrate seeing a new bird: Townsend’s …

: Good morning. Two weeks to the winter solstice (in the northern hemisphere), making it easier for …

: Dried onion Sunday. Ten percent humidity does a number on cut vegetables. #OnionSunday

: Whispy, white, smeared by the change in winds as they arrive at the valley, these clouds always have …

: Wispy, stretched, and pink, clouds disappear into the dry dark, while Venus provides a counterpoint …

: Big, pink and fluffy terminator, expanding into the night like unrealistic plans for tomorrow.

: The color of pizza when you use pesto as a base instead of tomato sauce.

: I spoke briefly with M today, the operator at a local facility. C: Thanks. I hope you had a good …

: A prescribed burn is very civilized, producing enough smoke for photographic effect, but not enough …

: Trees don’t have eyes, so it seems anthropomorphic to view this scene as grisly, the dead on …

: Burn zone. Smoke from a prescribed burn in the background, I stopped to admire the stark reality …

: High desert stratification. Long Valley to White Mountain Peak.

: Thanksgiving day was so busy, I forgot to take any photos, much less post one. So here is the …

: Smoke from a prescribed burn sent me on a diversion to scars from a previous fire.

: Little absurdities.

: Lenticular cloud stack, just a baby one, lit by dawn. I think this is a pretty good one for …

: Lone lenticular, pink with dawn light.

: Watching a helicopter fly on Mars is both amazing and mundane. Intellectually, I understand how …

: Dawn. White Mountainns.

: Grumpy morning lap time.

: Cat and lamp in the morning sun.

: Lobbyists for the “Feed Me Now!” industry.

: A wider view shows a two layer storm, organized and serene above, tumbling and wet below.

: Turbulence. A storm drops some rain on Mt Tom.

: I am the panther, barely visible in full sunlight, undetectable at night. You will not see me coming …

: I am not fooled by your stupid toy. Yet. You must work harder to suspend disbelief.

: Greybear. Wild animal.

: Pinyon Jays travel in flocks. Noisy, gossipy flocks. I’m not sure what they are finding in …

: Greybear and Diego the Dark Lord of Destruction are visiting again. They were pacing around and …

: Cloudscape at the arc of negotiation. Changing weather is the greatest thing, here. The open …

: Closeup of Wheeler Crest, with foggy clouds.

: The storm left fresh snow on the peaks and clouds on the mountains all day long. The lower clouds …

: You’ve got rain! I went to sleep as a few drops were plinking the windows, and woke up to …

: Clouds arriving at the arc of negotiation, seemingly tearing into pieces.

: This is a regular cloud pattern, westerly cool and wet winds meeting warm desert air. Recently, I …

: Winter light comes in below the eaves and shows off the custom stained glass windows that are a …

: Same sunset as yesterday, same location, just looking down the valley.

: Rabbit brush, sage, and sunset. I’ve switched my photo post-processing software and I’m …

: Late afternoon sky. The arc of negotiation between the cold and wet coming in from the west, and the …

: Just Mt Tom, with fresh snow.

: The clouds here are often dramatic, but the softer moments can equally impress. I love when the …

: The view from home. May I never forget how special it is. #mboct

: Today’s prompt is red, a color that isn’t common in my neighborhood flora. There is some …

: Dawn, the day after the storm. The cycle begins again. #mboct

: Cooper’s Hawk on the snag, surveying everything underneath. #mboct

: A month ago I flew up the west coast, L.A. to Seattle. I could see the smoke plumes of the wildfires …

: Bliss is a full day’s storm that brings a fresh coat of snow to the mountains. Mt Tom’s …

: When I let the nectar supplies run low, the hummingbirds took to the basil flowers bolting at the …

: Wells Meadow. In the high desert, there is a strong connection between water and color. #mboct

: It’s just light reflecting off plastic ripples, but I can’t help looking for meaning in …

: When I need to rest my eyes from looking at the monitor, this is the kind of place I go. #mboct

: The interaction of mountain peak, wind, and moisture, defining an unexpected space. #mboct

: Lenticular clouds have returned. Storms bringing inches of snow have calmed the fires, cleaned the …

: I’m not much for team sports anymore, but I’m looking forward to trying these snowshoes …

: I like to stop by Millpond and enjoy the natural mirror. Plus, there are often ducks or the like, …

: Out of the oven, but not finished. They need at least an hour to continue cooking inside while they …

: I carry a compass in my knapsack. It seems prudent with wilderness so near. I meant to get a photo …

: I upgraded my circular polarizer and my technique. To find the angle with the most contrast, I look …

: The mountains of Pine Creek Canyon were looking quite ethereal during the big storm. #mboct

: I learn things by following the wheels of others. In this case, I was chasing the storm that cleared …

: The Mule Deer returned yesterday. They summer in the High Sierra and winter down here like the rest …

: Eastern Sierra weather is legend. Add in the smoke from massive wildfires for more drama. This is …

: My favorite place for an afternoon nap. Hygge, with a view. #mboct

: Everybody is breathing easier, now that the smoke has cleared. Rain and snow hit the Sierra and the …

: I live where there are few bridges, because the terrain is both challenging and protected. This …

: Ruby Beach. I could have spent quite a bit more time here.The broad flats, concave shoreline, and …

: It’s a beautiful spot, but I don’t imagine it is a safe place for sailors. The gull …

: Twilight at low tide with clouds, Ruby Beach, Olympic Peninsula. #mboct

: Capturing twilight. Lynn uses her iPhone and patience to take photos of Ruby Beach as the light …

: I like a bit of spice with my eggs. #mboct

: Stranded kelp. After a lifetime of ebb and flow in the trough of waves, this little kelp lost its …

: Wave foam. Surf spray is always intriguing, but there’s a balance point, between rocky and …

: It did my soul good to travel to a place where the streets are very different. Mine are dry, …

: Who needs a toy when you’re with your mom at the beach? #mboct

: Inside, looking out. The trees at the boundary of forest and ocean are looking distinctly ready to …

: When Facebook comes back to life, I’m going to tell everyone about micro.blog.

: The Yucca family has sharp leaves that mean business. #mboct

: Driftwood barrier. Rialto Beach seems naturally inaccessible, because the forests march to the ocean …

: Power to the majority. #mboct

: Orbiting stones. I couldn’t read the driftwood, but clearly the stones that comprise the beach …

: Too dark! #mboct

: Reading driftwood. I didn’t understand much, but I had fun trying.

: They said, “Don’t touch the trees.” But did they tell the trees not to touch us? I …

: Cormorant’s lament. Though they are amazing divers, these birds’ feathers aren’t …

: I keep seeing an advertisement for a flu vaccine called “Fluzone High-Dose …

: Big sky, Rialto Beach, Olympic Peninsula. This beach is a place of strong contrasts and long lines. …

: Rialto Beach, Olympic Peninsula. Three things stood out to me here. Monoliths of rock defying …

: Big stump, with Sam and Lynn for scale. This isn’t the same tree from a few days ago, but …

: Fern. A form that never fails to entertain me. Simple, graceful, yet enduring through the ages.

: Natural Kanji. Are different styles of language transcription influenced by the environments they …

: Maple light. The Hoh Rainforest is not all cedars and moss. Deciduous trees survive, outnumbered …

: Moss. The Hoh Rainforest is full of moss growing on trees. But I don’t know much, because we …

: Hoh River Trail. The Hoh Rainforest is terrific. That is all.

: Hoh River Trail, big Cedar. My brother asked me to take a photo of him next to this huge tree, but I …

: Crescent Lake, Olympic Peninsula. No time to write, so I decided to send a telegram.

: Leaving Seattle on the Ferry. Somehow, I had never made it to Washington State, so this was a nice …

: Crossing the Sound. S&L enjoying the scenery, looking for whales.

: Museum of Flight, Seattle. I really enjoyed this place. Lots of good history, engineering, iconic …

: Moon. Cloud. Peace.

: Smoke-tinged sunset. The French fire is out, the Dixie and Caldor fires mostly so. But several …

: Trapped. This winged ant(?) really wanted out, but wouldn’t let me help. It paced around the …

: Where the Sierra Nevada meets the Mojave Desert. These clouds brought a little rain last week. When …

: Storm light. Long before I attempted photography, my favorite weather was a late afternoon storm …

: Rain. I returned home to clear air and scattered showers. For once, my neighborhood got a slow, …

: Croton leaf. Smooth and translucent, with widely varying colors, the Croton makes an excellent light …

: Come into my leaves, said the plant to the spider. San Diego County is home to a startling number of …

: Am I a bad man because I like the blossoms better on the ground?

: Sparse symmetry. Another plant I don’t know, but whose geometry always intrigues me. So many …

: I don’t know what this flower is called, but I have always loved the way it curves and fills …

: Norfolk Island Pine. San Diego’s moderate climate accomodates plants from many regions. The …

: Sunday breakfast. A latte and breakfast salad. Romaine and spinach topped with fried eggs, dressed …

: The plumeria. With five petals that overlap and curl in two directions, its form is distinctive yet …

: Venn diagram. I love the way these bladed succulents filter light. When the sunlight has washed out …

: Stalking succulents. When I’m in the suburbs of San Diego, I often shift my attention to the …

: Change of venue. Fled the smoke.

: Received an email today: This is a message from Mono County Elections. Your ballot for the …

: I wonder what the livestock think of the smoke. Do they miss the view?

: Persistent haze. With fires are burning north and south, this is the new normal. I live at the edge …

: Rainbow in the desert. I was really surprised to see a big rainstorm in Nevada, north of Las Vegas, …

: Kaibab Paiute. I started the drive past a Paiute reservation. Some 8 hours later, I passed another. …

: Stop. Look. When driving like mad to get to a destination on time, I often talk myself into stopping …

: Foothills. I can’t help but see these as a sort of geologic scale submarine, diving into the …

: Desert clouds. In addition to the exposed geology, Nevada so often has great cloudscapes, which …

: Near Deep Springs. Often, the uplift of geologic layers is impossible to miss in the Great Basin and …

: Firescape. Still hazy at home, so I’m posting photos taken while travelling to and from the …

: Wildfires to the north of us, a new fire to the south. Here I am. Stuck in the middle with haze.

: Skeleton sketches. Today I took a quick online course from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Taught by …

: Currently reading. Sun Tzu - The Art of War: The Art of War by Sun Tzu 📚

: North Rim, visual haiku. This is the last photo in my queue from my visit to the North Rim of the …

: Wotans Throne. With thunderstorms frequently dousing the crowds on the South Rim of the Grand …

: Natural fill. When photographing landscapes, it is difficult to bring a reflector and light up …

: Gotta Dance!

: The battleground. A cadre of Ponderosa(?) Pine stands at the edge of a big kill. A young, vital …

: My friends spotted this scene and anthropomorphized it. But they don’t know who Groot is. …

: Visiting cat number two (no favoritism implied) came to my lap for a vigorous rub down. #caturday

: Black cat on black sofa, helping me watch Chelsea play Crystal Palace. #caturday

: RIP Nanci Griffith. Her album “Other Voices, Other Rooms” is one of my favorites of all …

: Young Aspen. The new growth has dense, lush foliage, fueled by a large opening in the canopy of old …

: Some of the dead trees have fallen, and they seem to point the way through the young aspen grove.

: Naked trunks, ants-eye view. Knobbly is the word that comes to mind, repeatedly.

: Naked trunks. Weathered, knobbly, smooth, silvery, these two stood straight up in the middle of a …

: Puffball. Near our campsite were some flowers gone to see that might be oversized dandelion puffs, …

: Amphitheater. For the nimble only. You might think this is habitat for birds only, but I saw …

: North and east from Cape Royal, clouds gather over the plateau beyond the canyon.

: Friday night pizza, made in a cast iron pan. Spinach, mushroom, garlic, pesto, serrano chilis, Genoa …

: Angels Window, Cape Royal. The sedimentary layers are obviously fragile in the long term, yet …

: Arrival, watching the rain. We drove through thunderstorms to get to the North Rim, but after that, …

: What’s It Wednesday. #WhatsItWednesday

: Lupine in bloom. One of the joys of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon is high elevation (roughly …

: The cast of characters. Clearly, some are troublemakers.

: The Grand Canyon, from the North Rim. My friends were lucky enough to acquire reservations for two …

: Transept, from the camp site.

: Change of venue.

: Not UFOs. Cloud shadows from a pair of little cunims in a big field of virga. But they sure do look …

: Ho-hum, back to golden landscape lit by partially cloudy skies.

: I highly recommend “Project Hail Mary: A Novel”, by Andy Weir. It has been some time …

: Whats It Wednesday. Reaching back in time for this one. #WhatsItWednesday

: Accidental photograhy. The accidental snap rarely speaks to me, but this one stood out in the proof …

: Landscape spotlight. In the right conditions, you get a spotlight and you can see the shaft of light …

: Grouse Mountain. The rough and rubble nature of this formation shows itself in the late afternoon …

: Owl weekend. Something diverted the attention of this juvenile Great Horned Owl. I wonder if owls …

: Owl weekend. An immature Great Horned Owl hanging around the neighborhood has been an annual joy …

: Band of gold. The afternoon sun found a thin, wide gap between the cloud layer and the mountains.

: The Sierra shapes the weather. The peaks and valleys channel the winds and the clouds follow along, …

: After the ominous comes the spectacular. A mid-week rainbow with virga to get you over the hump.

: I have enjoyed @dejus playing What’s It Wednesday, so I decided to try it out myself. I used to post …

: Dogs and cats! Living together! We’ve been having some “real wrath-of-god type” …

: Palate cleanser.

: Round Valley, late afternoon, high summer. One neighbor who cycles told me his phone is full of …

: Mid-summer, late evening, big show. No matter how hot it gets during the day, the desert evening …

: Accidental juxtaposition.

: The real story. I identified the squawker as female, but didn’t check my work. My neighbor is …

: A wandering eye. The female Pinyon Jay does not seem too happy with the longing gaze of the …

: Master of all he sees. This California Quail was looking very imperious. He also didn’t have …

: California Quail doing yoga.

: Something to keep an eye on: Kickstarter Color e-Paper Tablet running Android

: Canal life. The arcs and reflections of water grasses are endlessly fascinating and oddly soothing.

: Preaching to the choir.

: Canal at sunset. The Owens River is diverted for irrigation in many places, a controversial practice …

: More contre-jour. These locust trees burned in 2018, I think. They grew sparsely along the river. …

: Earthquake 5.9 32km SSW of Smith Valley, NV 2021-07-08 15:49:48 (UTC-07:00) 9.8 km

: Pine Creek Fire. Yesterday this plume of smoke appeared, roughly 10 miles away. Two hours later, …

: Growth rate. Some flora recover from fire a lot faster than others. Lucky for me.

: Contre-jour. Show me a solitary tree with a strong profile, and I will stop and take the shot. …

: Shadow can be as effective as a spotlight in distinguishing landscape features. Here, the trees that …

: Independence Day. Celebrating the ability to live by yourself while ignoring the ecosystem that …

: Another spotlight. The gap in the clouds shapes the shaft of light. The topography where it strikes …

: Nature’s spotlight, part 2. Yesterday’s photo showed the cloud formation that produces a …

: Nature’s spotlight. When the sky looks like this, with that little area of blue, get your …

: Western trucking. It takes a really big storm to block the sun completely from everything I can see. …

: Finally, rain. It has been all cloud and no water for more than a year. But yesterday, we had a …

: Atmospherics reveal. Wheeler Crest is enormous and complicated. At first, it seemed to me a sheer …

: Cloud on cloud shadows. I don’t see this often, but it is always striking. The sun is low, the …

: Resist. Granite spire in the middle of a hillside. Lake Sabrina approach.

: Ripple, Bishop Creek. I came across a standing wave of a different sort. This long ripple is …

: Big Pink. This is one of those forms that needs a wider lens or image stitching tech. This bank …

: Apparently, the term ‘flash flood’ does not really get the message through to some …

: Another Sierra Wave form. This one filled so much of the sky, I needed a wider lens.

: The Sierra Wave came by again last week and filled the sky.

: Wispy moon. A closeup of the moon in yesterday’s photo. As the sun sets, there is a balance …

: Sunday brunch to usher in the summer. Home-made cured salmon, summer pickles, capers, shaved butter, …

: Today’s bread. Fifty percent freshly milled grains: hard red winter wheat, some soft white for …

: Sunday serenity. The moon punctuated an arc of fluffy clouds above Wheeler Crest. I should have …

: Dogs at play. A flash is such a wonderful tool for catching expressions too fleeting to see …

: Sunset machine, 3/3. Here is another example of clouds overhanging the valley, catching the …

: Sunset machine, 2/3. This is the same location, but another evening. Sometimes we stand at the end …

: For the old geek.

: Sunset machine, 1/3. Clouds often spill down from the heights to hover above this shoulder. Beyond, …

: Still life. The landscape has been so stunning for the last few months that I haven’t been …

: Morning shadows on the tuff bubbles. A feature of the west that I love is being able to see geometry …

: Barely lit, the far side of Round Valley and the Tungsten hills look so tranquil. The lighting …

: Virga in the distance. After floating across the valley, the storm drops the rain when it encounters …

: Fade to light. You might think that the blue skies in the distance are the desirable bits, but in …

: I love it when I step outside and see this. Time to grab the camera and go see what the new shadows …

: Big puff balls moving past Mt. Tom. Looks like a race to me.

: Diego beginning the day by absorbing energy. He wakes up slowly, needs some time to meditate before …

: I envy cats for their ability to sleep seemingly anywhere, in this case, on a plank 4” wide and 6’ …

: I think I finally found the place to photograph Diego, a grey background lit by a north-facing …

: The cats visited again last week. This is the moment I explained that their food bowls were in the …

: More rain shadow. The storm is moving towards the Owens Valley, but is rebuffed by the heat rising …

: Looking back at the storm from Pleasant Valley. It won’t reach here directly, but all the …

: Rain shadow. Yesterday’s photo shows a huge storm on the mountains, the source of shadow in …

: Spring rain on Pine Creek Canyon. We got a few drops from this, but not nearly as much as I had …

: Sheer variety is a big part of what make this place so interesting. Altitude, climate, vegetation, …

: Clouds overhead, blue skies and fresh snow on the Gables. Views like these remind me to drive to …

: Pleasant Valley, taking the old canal road. Spring rains and warmth have brought green to the Coyote …

: Full moon rising through evening haze over the White Mountains.

: Black-headed Grosbeak, someone I don’t think I’ve met until now. That’s quite the …

: Super Flower Blood Moon. Expialidocious. These aren’t sharp, which I attribute to a sleepy, …

: Peekaboo mountains. Snow on the Whites in May, but none for us down low. The weather skips across …

: Wheeler Crest got the lightest dusting of spring snow, but then the sun came out. It was pretty …

: Sunset palette, but reflected and diffused from the east, and one of my favorite effects around …

: For Firefly fans, a sighting of Serenity in the clouds.

: Dipped in raspberry juice. That was the joke that always made my mother laugh. Those finches look …

: Round Valley in spring.

: Spring rains on the White Mountains. The next day I discovered it had actually snowed, perhaps …

: Big poofy sky. And all those clouds mean water, heading east, skipping over my valley on a cushion …

: Oooh, a starship!

: Dawn, after a day of wind and rain. Rain that fell on the heights, with enough falling down to our …

: Fallen petals on cedar chips.

: Night closing in, my view narrows until it expands to the stars.

: The Western Kingbird again. There were quite a few here for a while but I guess they have moved on …

: Standing wave clouds over the Coyote Hills. This looks huge, doesn’t it? It is, but if you …

: More lenticular cloud forms. Interestingly, these shapes often don’t trigger shape recognition …

: Pancake stack. Lenticular clouds over Bishop. If I’d been in town, I don’t think this …

: More funky lenticular clouds. Gonna need a wider lens.

: Last night’s Starlink pass, a group of 60 satellites launched just three days prior.

: Starlink Launch 24 went up April 29. Those sixty Starlink satellites paraded brightly across our sky …

: Do ravens think the landscape beautiful? I often ask, but they remain taciturn.

: Partially cloudy is a weather report I look forward to. Cool in summer, not too cold in winter, …

: Virga is a word I didn’t know until I moved here. In the west, with huge views, shafts of …

: Hooded Oriole. Another spring visitor. This one is particularly annoyed by the hummingbird feeder …

: Western Tanager. Birds migrate through this valley. Many species I knew only from the guidebooks and …

: Tall grass gets the light. Sometimes big views dominate an outing, but once the sun is well up, the …

: Source to sink. In the background, the Sierra Nevada. In the foreground, the Owens River. In …

: Golden loops of grass. Shaped by the river and the cattle, last year’s grasses lie in startling …

: Burn victim. This tree was reduced to black and white by fire. It stands naked, falling as slowly as …

: First light in Pleasant Valley, above a bend in the Owens River. Waking at 5AM and not being able to …

: Osprey, Horton Creek at Pleasant Valley. I was very surprised to learn we had Osprey here, because …

: Layer cake. The southern end of Round Valley shows the effect of landscape engineering, by humans …

: Great Blue Herons on the Owens River, Pleasant Valley. I believe these are mates, a pair I’ve …

: A Hairy Woodpecker swiped the perch from the Western Kingbird. I’ve lost two small pine trees …

: An acrobatic hunter, the Western Kingbird plucked an insect from thin air and returned to the snag …

: A Western Kingbird stopped by yesterday. He’s a handsome fellow. I wish he would visit more …

: Comfort break. Looking at dusty old waterways and buildings was pretty fun for a dog, but Rudi drew …

: Lost technology. Kids these days don’t know how to operate a 19th century hay bailer. They …

: Inside the barn, DeChambeau Ranch. My apologies to anyone with OCD. It’s not a matter of …

: DeChambeau Ranch, Mono Basin. Now part of the forest service, this ranch was founded in 1871, …

: Violet-green Swallow, DeChambeau Ponds. Getting a clear photo of these is not easy. Bullets with …

: A northern beach of Mono Lake. The white on the shore is not wind-swept foam, but alkali deposits. …

: Yellow-headed Blackbird and some Coots. It’s not a band name, but it should be. The experts …

: Field trip. A group of us went exploring in the Mono Basin, looking for the history of the …

: The moon through the trees. Silver Lake, June Lake Loop.

: Sunday duck. In its natural state, not roasted. On Silver Lake.

: NR climbing on fallen trees, as per usual.

: Mallards landing. Silver Lake, June Lake Loop.

: Silver Lake, June Lake Loop, April 3.

: Ruby-crowned Kinglet. A first for me. Imperfect photos, but good enough to confirm identity. Seen …

: You’ve got to get up pretty early in the morning to get here before dawn. And we didn’t, …

: Silver and copper twist. One of my favorite Bristlecone forms, this branch looks to me like a …

: Happy Easter. Here is a Bristlecone Pine older than your religion.

: Moderna #2 done. Two and a half hours, no side-effects so far.

: Spring storm on Mt Tom.

: Palate cleanser. Weather on Wheeler Crest.

: The Shape of Cats My brother Sam occasionally delivers the sermon at his church and yesterday he sent me the text of …

: 🎵 And if I had a boat I’d go out on the ocean And if I had a pony I’d ride him on my …

: Burn victim. A Cottonwood Tree in Pleasant Valley refuses to fall, despite being burned in February, …

: The curves of the White Mountains in partial shadows give me goosebumps. Up close, those hills are …

: Same cloud, a little bit later, from Pleasant Valley and the Owens River.

: Above the Owens Valley, rising warm, dry air meets the cold, wet wind coming off the Sierra Nevada. …

: Clouds making spotlights on the White Mountains.

: The Pleasant Valley bluff can be hard to appreciate in full sunlight, but it really catches the eye …

: Cottonwood Tree in Round Valley pasture. Mt Tom behind, shrouded in a storm bringing fresh snow.

: Raptors have such terrifying visages…until they do this. Then they just look plain goofy. I …

: Immature Red-tailed Hawk, hunting from the cedar snag.

: Storm coming down from the heights above Swall Meadows.

: Shift change. I also am going to sit in the sun by the woodstove and keep an eye on you.

: I’m going to sit in the sun by the woodstove and keep an eye on you.

: A pod of sky whales swam through this week.

: White Crowned Sparrow. Here’s a little puzzle I’ve been working on. Birds on the south …

: Lesser Goldfinch, male, foraging on the back pine tree.

: From Long Valley, Mount Morrison with fresh snow.

: Up in Long Valley to catch some fresh snow on the Sherman Range. This is the other side of Wheeler …

: “Stand by the grey stone when the thrush knocks and the setting sun with the last light of …

: Recent cu-nim activity.

: Storms are coming through this week, so the Sierra Wave is back.

: Caption this. (Was offline much of yesterday, waiting, found this while scrolling through last …

: Aspen in winter.

: Step 1 of 2. Moderna vaccine, administered 21 hours ago, no significant side effects. The efficiency …

: Dawn over the Whites.

: Twice a year, the sunset shines straight through Pine Creek Canyon. It’s like having a big …

: You’re never too old to enjoy the magic of a cat’s tongue.

: Greybear’s brother Diego. Though tougher to photograph, he is in no way the lesser of the two. …

: Every time I pass this wind farm, I try to get a photograph. This time I drove a few miles around …

: Alabama Hills, from the south end of Movie Road. If it looks familiar, you have probably been …

: February Photo Challenge Day 28: up. I stopped by the Alabama Hills to look up at Mt. Whitney.

: February Photo Challenge Day 27: pompasetting. I’m not sure if Greybear is actually showing …

: Postprandial couch: New Yorker, LA Times sudoku, freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies.

: February Photo Challenge Day 26: favourite. On my way home today I stopped by the shooting location …

: Moonrise over the Angeles Crest.

: February Photo Challenge Day 25: code. Whenever I look at a grove like this, I always feel there is …

: February Photo Challenge Day 24: baby. Long ago, I could wear Natalie Rose as a hat. I’m …

: My brother is complaining about all the big sky photos. “Where are the animals, trees?” …

: Dawn on Mt. Tom.

: February Photo Challenge Day 23: banana. See the resemblance? Yeah, no, neither do I.

: More big sky, sunset this time. I estimate that formation to be more than ten miles across.

: February Photo Challenge Day 22: spell. Me: Stay still for a second. Greybear: Are you still here?! …

: Play time. Diego eyes Greybear with intent to cause mischief.

: February Photo Challenge Day 21: color. A Cedar Waxwing on the Cotoneaster, a photo I used as my …

: Sunrise, this week. I’m always moved by the subtlety of the color palette when the cloud …

: February Photo Challenge Day 20: weather. Normally I like my photos with minimal post-processing, …

: Just another sunset in the Eastern Sierra. We have a little joke here. When the sky puts on a show, …

: February Photo Challenge Day 19: alive. My cousin sent me one of her mother’s paintings. She …

: February Photo Challenge Day 18: at home. When the landscapes are boring or I don’t have time …

: A cunim reworked by winds to look like a brain.

: February Photo Challenge Day 17: still. Still here, standing still, throughout the winter chill. …

: January brought some spectacular cloud photos, delayed behind behind December travel and late …

: Pyramid Rock, Gallup, NM, 7/7. The summit. I was the caboose, but Tony let me take my time, which …

: February Photo Challenge Day 16: erudite. I am conflicted on all things erudite. I need them, but I …

: February Photo Challenge Day 15: reflection. This prompted a (figurative) reflection on my time …

: Pyramid Rock, Gallup, NM, 6/7. Another Pinyon Pine profile. Though this one has died, its …

: Pyramid Rock, Gallup, NM, 5/7. This Pinyon Pine scoffs at the need for soil.

: February Photo Challenge Day 14: compassion. Diego the Dark Lord of Destruction, my neighbors’ cat …

: February Photo Challenge Day 13: make. You have to break some eggs to make an omelette, but I felt …

: Pyramid Rock, Gallup, NM, 4/7. Hiking with Tony and Chimayo. The Pinyon Pines make for interesting …

: Pyramid Rock, Gallup, NM, 3/7. The trail climbs the north-eastern shoulder of the peak, passing a …

: February Photo Challenge Day 12: sporg. Land of the Sporg, giants who love rolling boulders. In …

: Pyramid Rock, Gallup, NM, 2/7. The first stretch of trail takes you past some great sandstone …

: February Photo Challenge Day 11: machine. Irrigation in the high desert.

: Returning to my trip in December, I stopped to visit friends in Gallup, New Mexico. This is Pyramid …

: February Photo Challenge Day 10: energy. Understanding how energy transfers can be quite useful. On …

: Last of the best of the big snowfall photos. You know it’s a big storm when it snows all the …

: February Photo Challenge Day 9: muddy. Used to be muddy. Will be again. But it’s prettier in …

: February Photo Challenge Day 8: hope. It is always uplifting to wake up before dawn, with neither …

: Across the valley, the Tungsten and Coyote Hills covered in snow and clouds.

: Wheeler Crest covered in snow, full sun. The crest is always so beautiful after a snow storm. The …

: February Photo Challenge Day 7: craving. Pizza. Oscar Wilde said the only way to get rid of …

: February Photo Challenge Day 6: sport. My neighbors’ dogs engage in mock battles whenever they …

: Spotlight on some of the “shark’s teeth” of Wheeler Crest.

: Mount Tom sporting a Sunday hat.

: February Photo Challenge Day 5: pets, which turns out to be a contraction of “Parade of …

: Mt Tom in pre-dawn light, the morning after the big snow.

: February Photo Challenge Day 4: layers. A photo from late August 2020. Smoke from the wildfires …

: Wheeler Crest, when the clouds come below 13,000’.

: February Photo Challenge Day 3: comfort. A woodstove in winter.

: February Photo Challenge Day 2: morning beverage. Breakfast shot.

: My neighbor, out looking at the big show.

: February Photo Challenge Day 1: close up. Nature’s xylophone. Icicles form as snow melts from …

: A Merlin feeds on a California Quail. The deep snow has exposed the smaller birds to predators, …

: Wheeler Crest, not to be outdone, also put on its Sunday best the morning after the snow storm.

: Mount Tom always looks its best the day after a big snowstorm.

: Low-lying juniper covered in snow. The storm has passed, at least here, but 8-9 feet fell to the …

: We got 12” yesterday, 8” overnight. US 395 is closed from Bishop to the Nevada state …

: We interrupt this sequence of photos around the west to bring you the current weather report.

: Navajo country. Looking towards Tuba City.

: America’s new look: Amazon Prime truck crossing the Colorado River on the bridge at the Glen …

: Paria Canyon, 14/14. I hope you have enjoyed the trip. This shot remains my favorite, because my …

: Paria Canyon, 13/14. Just outside the canyon, up on the surrounding bluffs, this pattern is a …

: Paria Canyon, 12/14. Nature’s knick-knack shelf.

: Paria Canyon, 11/14. Walls of a different color. Lots more Rorschach tests in this section, with …

: My song for the day: Is It Like Today, by World Party. And the cover by Eliza Gilkyson.

: Paria Canyon, 10/16. Just the pure wave of the sandstone, as a palate cleanser.

: Well, these past four years have been the most engaging history class I’ve ever taken. I …

: The Rainbow Girls posted a topical video today including their Lodi cover. Apparently, John Fogerty …

: Paria Canyon, 9/14. The northern canyon seemed to be full of Rorschach tests. I see an old-timey …

: Paria Canyon, 8/14. North of the junction, the walls are darker, rougher, scored. This triangular …

: Paria Canyon, 7/14. The arch at the junction of two slot canyons. Perhaps when the two flows meet, …

: Paria Canyon, 6/14. Near the junction, the slot widens and the walls change character as they meet …

: Paria Canyon, 5/14. Closeup of a pattern that appears all over this area. I am no geologist, but it …

: Paria Canyon, 4/14. The next stretch of the canyon was very narrow. When I felt like my shoulders …

: Paria Canyon, 3/14. Below the shelf. At the end you can see the wooden ladder attached to a …

: Paria Canyon, 2/14. At first, I was just mesmerized by the curves. It was a cloudy day and I was …

: Paria Canyon, 1/14. In December I visited this sandstone slot canyon on the border of Arizona and …

: Sunset over Montgomery Pass, the end of the long journey home.

: As I approached the Nevada-California border near sunset, the signs of population centers began to …

: More vast ranchland in central Nevada.I wonder if a rancher sees those beautiful background hills as …

: Peaceful? Lonely? Yesterday’s question recurs. But after the violation of our capitol by …

: Miles from nowhere. This ranch is set alongside a beautiful range of small hills, seventy miles from …

: Mt Taylor and High Peak, I believe, at the north end of the valley that leads to Ely, Nevada. The …

: Entering north-east Nevada. State boundaries may seem arbitrary, but I often find they mark where …

: On a long road trip, it pays photography dividends to be on the road before sunrise. My car took an …

: See the flow. Clouds form as air pressure changes around the mountain. South-central Wyoming.

: Full moon at dawn, New Year’s Eve, North Platte, Nebraska. I was sleepy and facing my third …

: Held up by snow, freezing rain. Spent two hours the next morning freeing the car from an inch of …

: Solitary tree, reflection. A frozen pond at sunset shows a diffused copy of a tree with evening …

: Solitary tree, sans plumage. As 2020 comes to an end, it occurs to me I’m way behind on my …

: Cattails in winter. Frozen pond in the backgroud, light from a winter sunset. Urbana, Illinois.

: Barbara in her Christmas best, trying on her new bracelet.

: Lynn and Caroline. Cracking jokes instead of posing. Varmints.

: My brother, Sam. Looking much more refined than usual.

: I was teasing my step-mother, a very organized woman of German origin, that she had fallen from …

: Family. Christmas dinner.

: The family elder, 92, keeping warm on Christmas Eve with a blanket and cup of tea.

: Light snow on a cold Christmas eve. A pale, cloudy moon and a naked tree lit by a spherical street …

: Unplanned stop in Hannibal, Missouri. I missed getting over the tracks by about ten seconds. But I …

: Panhandle sunset. The colors are different here. And the cloud patterns. Oddly, they remind me of …

: A phalanx of wind turbines in the Texas panhandle. The turbines are quite prolific there and keep …

: The remnants of several weather patterns combined for a striking sunset.

: Trailing edge of the snow storm. For a while everything was grey, but the storm was moving quickly …

: Past the mist, into the snow, I found a small burn area at the crest of the hills. All the …

: Edge of the snowstorm in the high desert. I kept expecting something to appear out of the mist. …

: Leaving Las Vegas. Well, leaving Nevada, via the Virgin River canyon at sunset.

: Approaching Las Vegas. The Nevada landscape really comes to life on partially cloudy days.

: Golden morning light on Wheeler Crest. When a storm hangs low on the crest, you can sometimes see …

: Fifteen miles down the road, yesterday’s warning sign begins to make sense.

: This road looks like fun. They left off, ”Snow storm on the horizon.” Please and thank you.

: Grapevine in winter, outside the back door of my airbnb.

: A fluffy layer passed by, but did not stay for sunset.

: Sunset jazz. For your Friday Happy Hour.

: Not everyone wants to be singing from the highest perch. This House Finch looked very meditative, …

: Fighting for the top perch. A Robin fends off two White-crowned Sparrows, all of whom want to sit on …

: “Typical heroic posture.” That is what my brothers and I would say in the moment of …

: A robin was hanging out in my back pine tree this weekend. I managed to get one closeup. The robins …

: Winter spotlight. When the sun moves south for the winter, it shines through a narrow gap in the …

: Daily patterns. I make sure to stop and photograph patterns I see every day, but do not really …

: Rooting basil. All of this year’s basil plants have suffered trauma and the stalks are all …

: Granite erosion. Granite atop a shear boundary (one side rising, the other falling) erodes in …

: Say what? The pinyon jay does not believe me.

: Pinyon Jay, in a rare visit to my pine tree. They are the only social jay, travelling in loosely …

: More granite spires. They don’t move at all, yet they change appearance dramatically as the …

: Study in granite. What I call the “shark’s teeth” looked somewhat different than …

: Exploring a new location, Coyote Canyon. The light wasn’t great but the opportunities for …

: Rush hour. The biggest dilemma they have is when the dogs want to explore opposite sides of the …

: Happy Thanksgiving! Except for Diego, who did not get his bird on the wing. He will have to adjust …

: Fall peaked while we were covered in wildfire smoke, so I missed most of it. But yesterday after …

: One more look at the big cloud event from last Friday. These show up unexpectedly and do not last …

: Capture the moment, free your imagination. A bit of cloud filigree the evening of big clouds. I see …

: The combinations of sun and cloud are the landscape photographer’s equivalent of studio …

: Slice of sunrise. When the winter clouds from the Sierra Nevada come thickly, they float over the …

: I photograph this cloud formation all the time, but I’m not sure it speaks to others. I love …

: Sometimes the smooth clouds generated by the Sierra Wave develop horizontal striations, making them …

: Last night’s wave cloud, a little closer and later. The fierce winds forced a precautionary …

: One of the great things about the Eastern Sierra is the big winds. Currently experiencing gusts of …

: The parade. This ridge often produces a train of fluffy little clouds, like a dragon puffing smoke.

: Another bit of Sierra Wave from that same evening. The standing wave creates stable clouds that …

: The Sierra Wave made a big appearance Friday night. The last one seems far in the past. It is good …

: This is a dog in my neighborhood named Bismarck. As in Otto von Bismarck. Because eyebrows. …

: When the clouds form over the White Mountains, they can be endlessly poofy. At this point, I can …

: This year has definitely caused some wear and tear on the psyche. Part of my cure is making sure …

: Say, were you up at 6 the other morning when the storm came from the west? The clouds covered the …

: I talked with a Hermit Thrush at Pine Creek this weekend. Well, I talked, he foraged. I waited for …

: The view from above. The Creek Fire and surrounding mountains covered in snow.

: Many of my mentors are getting quite elderly. One died last Monday from COVID-19 at the age of 94. I …

: Some days, I really want force feedback in the browser. Not my browser, that guy’s browser. …

: The vistas are visible again. It sounds like a tautology, but two months of smoke at unhealthy …

: The Creek Fire is out, the election is done, snow is falling on the mountains, and we even have …

: I grew up in the greater NYC area. I escaped, repeatedly and finally. But the best of the place …

: I can feel everything inflate today: mind, body, belly. Two out of three ain’t bad.

: The fire is under control. For now. Yesterday, gusts shook the timbers of this old house, ripping down from the heights., threatening …

: The wildfires are running out of fuel, smoke is clearing, the election is resolving. Suddenly I …

: Cats can be cute, but they are always plotting and will not hesitate to stoop to murder if …

: Near relapse? Have a cat photo. This is Greybear. He is not my cat, he and his brother visit when …

: Today’s absurdity is the election of a Republican brothel owner to the state legislature of …

: NEOWISE arrived as a smudge on the horizon to find and photograph. Its departure exerted more force …

: Have you rehabilitated yourself, kid? Have you voted? Do you have a plan to vote? Concentrate! Cross …

: My post for the day had too many characters for #mbnov and editing it to get picked up proved dreary …

: Time Change The semi-annual time change usually leaves me dreary for a week, but this morning I rolled with it …

: Happy Halloween. I think there’s nothing scarier than waking up to a black cat watching the sun rise …

: Dawn of the apocalypse. Smoke from the Creek Fire blanketed us for nearly two months. The extent of …

: Doves of the apocalypse. Eurasian collared doves, an invasive species, sit on the dead cedar tree …

: Smoke, at dawn, filling the Owens Valley.

: Smoke signals. When the hills are reduced to profiles receding in the distance, I always think they …

: The Tungsten Hills stood out more than usual with the smokey background. The White Mountains, …

: These photos of smoke in the valley are from two weeks ago, but the Creek Fire continues to burn, …

: Sun streaking through clouds and smoke, sapping the colors and details from the scene. Tungten Hills …

: Smoky sunset over Mt Whitney and the Alabama hills.

: Driving home through the smoke, Owens Lake had a very muted look. Oddly, as a result, I saw the …

: My house was not endangered by the wildfires in California, but the smoke was (and still is) so …

: I post a photo per day on Facebook. I’ve been looking for an alternative for a while. Blair …