I only see Len Pennie’s posts occasionally, but I always enjoy them. This one, where she answers the question “Where have you been?”, I find particularly relevant, because she posts every day, just like I do. It is hard to follow what everyone is saying, all the time, but the companies that have evolved to help us do that have become reliant on sugar, just like the food industry.
But what really hit home was her description of why she posts every day:
I’ll keep making content regardless of how many views I get, because I don’t do this for the views. I do it for the purest form of motivation that there is: spite.
There’s more truth to that than I’d imagined at first. I don’t post out of spite, but I do post for myself. If you enjoy it, too, that’s great, but it’s not required. If it were, I’d be posting what you already think, not what I’m discovering.