Another collection of photos from Thanksgiving in greater Pasadena. These feature the great light towards the end of the day, when clouds came and covered the mountains for a while.
I love deciduous trees in winter. It’s like getting to see a schematic of life.
Jacaranda trees are a favorite of L.A. landscapers. There are no purple flowers at this time of year, but I find the openness and geometry of their branches alluring.
A bank of dark grey clouds covered half the sky in the afternoon.
A bit of blue to go with the green and grey.
In full daylight, these high tension power lines are pretty camouflaged, but they show up brightly in these conditions.
The abundance of succulents in yards is something I miss from my days in San Diego.
Conical evergeens, Cyprus trees, I think, make for good silhouettes.
And, of course, you can’t swing a camera in greater Los Angeles without hitting palm trees.
Later, the large bank of clouds moved on and remnants turned pink in the sunset.